Chapter 1- The Playground

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"C'mon, Sammy!" Dean ushered his little seven year old brother off the slide in the playpark.
Something about that place didn't seem quite right to him. Maybe it was the fact that the swings seemed to be moving on their own despite the absents of wind. Maybe it was because the street light near by was both on at 1:00pm and flickering. But mainly it was because Dean felt as if something was watching him.
The whole area seemed deserted. After all, no parent in their right mind would let their child play there. The ground was uneven, many of the apparatuses had collapsed or looked weak. The only decoration and bright colors were from the graffiti that had been sprayed onto the fences. It was certain that the words that had been sprayed were very, well, colorful.
Then again Dean wasn't a parent, he was a big brother doing a parents job. Anyway, it wasn't like his father was in his right mind. Ever since his mom died John Winchester's thoughts had been addled and warped by fear and anger. If it were up to him, young Sammy would be learning how to use a gun by now.
"Just ten more minutes Dean! Please!" Sam begged his big brother as he allowed himself to slip down the slide and onto the ground by Dean's side.
Dean extended an arm to help his brother up which Sam took with an innocent smile.
"Fine!" Dean gave in. Suddenly he felt his head spin around. His hand went straight to his jacket pocket where he had a gun hidden. He was certain that he had heard something coming from one of the bushes by the clump of trees. No, he thought, I must be inheriting dads stupid reflexes and paranoia. Nevertheless, he turned back to his brother.
"Listen, Sammy," Dean said slowly, still staring at the bush from the corner of his eye. "You can carry on playing for a bit. I'll just be a sec."
And with that he half sprinted to the bush, leaving his brother behind with a confused expression on his face. Dean pushed the leaves and twigs aside. Nothing there. However, he was determined to find something, anything, a squirrel, even a mouse or dog. Just something to prove that he wasn't going crazy with fear of what was out there.
Very few people, let alone children, knew what was truly out there. It turned out the world wasn't all rainbows and smiles. No, Earth's a brutal palace, survival of the fittest after all. But sometimes, survival of the human race proved difficult, that's why there are hunters around.
When you see the word hunter, it's important to note that this isn't the 'normal' type of hunting. It's not like go into the woods and shoot everything that moves. A hunters job is to track, find and kill the supernatural beings that walk the earth. All those spooky legends and ghost stories you hear, they're true. Nightmares are real and it's up to hunters to try and make those things cease to exist in order to protect the world.
Sounds pretty cool am I right? Nope. It's dangerous, messy work and the only way out is death. Few hunters have a light at the end of their tunnel. Instead they end up falling the other way, straight to the burning pit that is hell. That's the price for saving lives. But for those brave few who carry on like their eternal punishment won't happen even though it's always nagging them at the back of their minds. They are true heroes, because they know that the needs of the many out way the one. And that's damn brave of them.
Anyway, back to Dean.
Nothing. That's all that was in the bush. A big fat wad of nothing. Just the ground, just some leaves, nothing that could've caused that noise.
Dean swept his golden brown fringe from his dazzling emerald green eyes. Despite the absence of any creature whatsoever, Dean continued into the forest that stood on the edge of the park.
For five minutes he walked nonstop. The trees grew thicker and closer together, making Dean weave and shuffle his way past them. Everyone and again he thought he heard a noise. The same one he'd heard earlier with Sammy. Sam. He felt bad for leaving his brother unattended while he went on his own little adventure. However, it was broad daylight and, despite his young age, Sam knew a few tricks that had gotten him out of scrapes in the past. Dean didn't doubt his little brother for a second. But then another thought entered Dean's mind that he wasn't sure was so comforting.
What if the thing he was chasing after was dangerous. What if this was some sort of a trap to get to his father.
His dad had made a lot of enemies over the years. Some human, some not so much. Having the hunter's son that they hated so much as bait would be a marvellously dastardly plan.
Dean was thinking about turning back when he heard the noise again. And for once, Dean managed to catch where the sound was coming from. A large oak tree near by. Dean speed-walked towards it, taking the gun out of his jacket as he did so. Then, using a move he had seen his father do so many times, he did a quick jump to the other side, pointing his gun out at...
A bees nest.
What!? Dean thought as he stared in confusion at the bees. The noise I heard sounded nothing like a buzzing!
Then he remembered how close he was to the nest and stumbled a few steps back. Something didn't fit. He had heard the same noise multiple times as he had made his way through the woods, but never once did he hear a buzzing! That must mean whatever he was chasing was still around somewhere.
He was about to walk away when he heard a snort of laughter coming from straight above him.
He craned his neck up to see a tree branch of the bee infested oak tree. Only something was sitting on it. And it wasn't Dean's imagination, it wasn't even a bees nest.

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