Chapter Eleven- The Dream

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The rest of the journey seemed like a bit of a blur to Dean. All this new information about him having to kill someone seemed almost too much to take in. The others around him would crack the occasional joke but Dean barely noticed. Instead he just stared blankly out the window watching the country side roll by. Now and then Dean would notice Cas giving him worried glances then look away immediately when Dean noticed him.

At some point, he didn't quite know when, he drifted off into a dream:

He was standing alone in Diagon Ally, only it didn't seem like the joyful place he'd visited. There was no cheerful crowds, no brightly coloured shops, it was as if someone had drained all the happiness out of the place but perhaps worst of all there was no Castiel in sight.

"Cas!" Dean called out, starting to panic. "C'mon Cas, something wrong!"

There was no answer. The only noise that followed was the echoes of his desperate pleads for his friend echoing around the utterly deserted area.

"Cas! This isn't funny! CAS HELP ME PLEASE!" Dean screamed that last part in exhaustion as tears stared to form in his eyes. "Please Castiel, please..." Dean mumbled now crying. He collapsed onto the ground as he looked around hopelessly. "Cas you better be alright. You better not be hurt or I swear I'll kick the ass of whatever hurt you straight to hell! Just please be okay Castiel."

For how long he sat hopelessly on the floor he did not know. All he did know was that nobody was coming to save him. He was alone.

Then he felt a cold hand grab his shoulder.

He spun around to see a hooded figure. He couldn't quite make out the face of who it was but a feeling of fear welled up inside him. His instincts told him that whatever this thing was, it was certainly not his friend. Then it spoke.

"Winchester!" It hissed in a cold voice.

"Y-yes?" Dean stammered helplessly. He felt his body become limp as if the fear had paralysed him.

"I know that you have found out about it." It whispered in a deadly calm voice.

"About what?" Dean asked trying to sound as innocent as possible. The thing pulled him closer, he could feel it's odours breath against his skin.

"The prophesy! I know that you think you have to fight me Dean Winchester. I know that you're having doubts about it. After all how could you, an eleven year old, fight me, the darkest wizard of all time?"

"You're him aren't you?" Dean gaped, taking a few steps back. "You're Castiel's brother? You're-you're Lucifer!"

"Well, well, well looks like you're not as dumb as you make out to be." Lucifer teased. "You know what Winchester. I like you, I really do. I've been watching you ever since you first met my little brother, Castiel, and there's something about you Dean. You've got spunk! A little piece of rebellion in you that gives you that hero quality. I like you Dean so do not give me a reason to kill you."

"B-b-but the prophesy said-!" Dean started.

"The prophesy!" Lucifer laughed, however there was no humour in it. "You think you have to obey the rules of some silly thing they found centuries ago? You think that little thing controls your life? It doesn't Dean. You are the only one who can control what you do and you don't have to fight me. You don't have to be my enemy because, trust me Dean, you do not want to be my enemy. Look around you Dean," he gestured to the darkened streets. "This is what shall happen if you bring war down upon the wizarding world. Don't fight me. You've already lost and you know it."

Everything suddenly started to fade into a spiral of light, however, Lucifer remained dark, if not slightly distorted.

"Go home Dean Winchester." Lucifer commanded him, his voice now like a distant echo. "Forget Hogwarts and return to your family. Think of your father. Think of Bobby. Think of Sam. They'll be first on my to kill list if you decide to stand against me. Them and my naive brother that is. Yes, my brother and your brother locked up together getting tortured. Being driven slowly into madness before I, personally, do the final deed of-!"

"ENOUGH!" Dean yelled at Lucifer, rage boiling up inside him.

"I see I've made my point." Said Lucifer. "Go home Dean Winchester. I hope for your sake, that this is the last we see of each other."

Then he was gone and the scene refocused on the creepy Diagon Ally. For a moment Dean just stood there, too shocked to move or make a sound. Then reality kicked in bringing panic and anxiety down on him like a wave.

"SAMMY!" Dean called out for his little brother. "CAS!"

"Dean!" A voice answered him this time. He felt someone shaking his shoulder and the scene dissolved before him.

He was not in Diagon Ally. He was back on the Hogwarts Express with Cas sat next to him. He suddenly became aware of how sweaty he was and how sore his throat felt. Had he been screaming out to Sam and Cas in real life?

As he adjusted to his surroundings he stared into Castiel's heavenly blue eyes. Just looking into them calmed him down some what and filled him with reassurance. It had just been a dream. Just a dumb dream.

Or had it? It had all seemed to real and he remembered everything so vividly that it could have been reality. Surely this was a sign for him to get out of there. Away from Hogwarts and away from harms way.

"I've gotta get out of here." Dean muttered to himself.

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