Chapter 6- Diagon Alley

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"What just happened?" Dean asked in shock.

Both him and Castiel were standing in the road of a place that looked like Piccadilly Square in London. For a moment Dean was in shock. How had this boy managed to transport them across the Atlantic Ocean? It was at that moment when Dean realised that they were standing in the road at Piccadilly Square.

"Ahhh!" He yelled before pulling Castiel, whose hand he still clutched, to the sidewalk and out of harms way. "You had to make us land in the middle of the road on one of the busiest streets!"

Castiel smiled nervously. "It is difficult to control where I land from a long distance." He explained.

"Remind me never to travel to Japan with you, Cas. We'd probably end up on top of Tokyo Tower!" Dean joked before pausing. "How the hell did you even do that?"

"It is not of importance." Cas said bluntly. "It is thirty minutes until August first. It is of great importance that we send that letter as soon as possible."

"Hold on a moment, Cas." Said Dean, his heart sinking. "It was at least five to midnight in America and England's time difference is five hours ahead. Aren't we too late?"

"I managed to turn the time back a few hours." Cas explained shyly.

"Dude," Said Dean.

"Yes dude?" Cas replied, the word sounding strange in his mouth.

"You're awesome!"

"I would say I only have a fraction of awe about me, you should see my brother Gabriel-"

"Figure of speech, Cas." Dean said, laughing slightly. "And if it weren't you defiantly would have more than just a bit of awe about you."

"You would away that I was awe-full?" Cas asked, making Dean snort with laughter.

"So, Cas. Where are we heading?"

"Follow me." Said Cas, taking Dean's hand once again and pulling him along.

"Uh, Cas? Don't you think we've held hands long enough for one night?" Dean said cautiously.

"It is easy to get separated in a busy area like this Dean, holding onto each other would reduce the risk of getting split up."

"Fine, whatever. Let's just send that letter." Said Dean before muttering to himself; "It's no homo."

* * *

They walked past the older, cobbled streets of London. Through tiny alley ways and by the river Thames. Big Ben was visible in the distance as well as Saint Paul's Cathedral. At one point they passed the Tower of London. Dean felt guilt tugging at him. Sammy had always wanted to visit the Tower of London being the history freak he is. And there was Dean disappearing into the night with this strange boy, leaving Sammy all alone with Dad.

"In here." Said Cas, pulling Dean into what looked like a grungy little bar. The sign outside it read The Leaky Caldron. Not the best name, Dean thought to himself.

Once they entered the rugged tavern, Dean felt like he had just been pulled back in time. Everything in there seemed Victorian, from the little tables to the gas lamps which lit the place up. However, it see,ed to be much bigger from the inside, kind of like the TARDIS.

"Evening Master Novak." A balding bartender with a hunched back called the moment the two boys entered. "Finally got Master Winchester to go to Hogwarts 'ave you? You'll love it there, boy! 'Ad the time if my life there I did. Wish I could go back to me first year and start it all again-" The bartender continued putting about how great Hogwarts was, completely lost in nostalgia.

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