Chapter 2- The Boy in the Tree

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"WHO ARE YOU!" Dean yelled in shock as he pointed his gun up at the boy who sat perched on the branch.
"Someone who has been protecting you since you were four years old." The boy replied calmly in an unnaturally deep voice for a kid who looked no more than twelve.
In fact, nothing about this boy seemed natural to Dean. His bright blue eyes seemed to gleam with wisdom. His black hair scruffy and unbrushed. He was also wearing just a shirt with a wonky tie and some black trousers,which was an odd fashion choice for a cold January afternoon. Especially when you were spending that afternoon up a tree in a forest
"What do you mean protecting me?" Dean asked the boy, his voice filled with anger and curiosity. "When I was four so were you, by the looks of it... Unless."
In one swift motion Dean took a flask out his jeans pocket and flicked some of the contents onto the boy. He did not at all seemed fazed or annoyed by this, better yet he wasn't yelling in pain which ruled out him being a demon, Dean's least favourite of all creatures.
"I suppose you'll want me to do this as well." He said. He took out a silver knife and cut his arm with it, not wincing once. He gave Dean a swift smile before hopping down from the tree and landing uncomfortably close to Dean.
"Dude," Said Dean taking a step back from the boy who then took another step forward.
"Seriously dude, personal space!"
"I apologise. My" the boy held up two fingers as air quotes. "'People skills' are 'rusty.'"
Dean gave the boy the what are you doing look before deciding that someone this awkward could hardly be a danger to him and putting away his gun.
"Strange," the dark haired boy said as he walked in a circle around Dean. "Now that I'm standing next to you I sense something in you. It seems familiar..."
The boy continued pacing around him before he suddenly stopped and snapped his fingers as he came to a conclusion.
"I know!" He exclaimed proudly. "You have magic in you! You seem to be a wizard!"
"I'm no He-Witch!" Dean yelled at the boy, insulted that this kid he hardly knew had called him the name of one of the things he'd been hunting since he was four.
"There's no use denying who you are, even if you wish you were someone else." The boy replied wisely. His blue eyes twinkled with something Dean couldn't quite put his finger on. "Trust me, I know."
"Who are you?" Dean questioned the boy.
"My name is Castiel and you are Dean Winchester."
For a moment Dean just stood stock still, utterly stunned that the boy knew who he was. And Castiel, what kind of a name is that? Dean thought. He then felt his feat move him a few paces back before he broke into a run.
He wasn't sure how this boy knew him, how he'd been so called protecting him since he was four. All he knew was that this boy meant danger and Dean's life schedule had enough of that planned for a life time.

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