Chapter 7- Wands

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The two boys continued around the wizarding shops. Dean gawping up at every building in sight. It all looked so... wierd. The good kind of weird, kind of like Cas. Castiel grinned with pleasure as he saw the look on Dean's face. Growing up knowing all of this, it seemed strange to him that someone could possibly be so impressed by magic!

"Where're we heading next, Cas?" Dean asked the black haired boy as they wandered about the streets.

"Well, we both need to get our equipment for Hogwarts." Cas said, pulling out a shopping list. "I know!" He then exclaimed, dragging Dean in a completely other direction towards a shop called Ollivanders.

Castiel opened the door and a bell chimed as they entered. Millions of small, rectangular boxes lined the many shelves. Like everything else in Diagon Ally, Olivanders looked ancient. A layer of dust seemed to have formed on every surface. cobwebs hung from the ceiling and a wilted plant sat in the corner.

"I wondered when I'd be seeing you two, Mr. Winchester and Mr. Novak." An old, creepy voice said.

Dean and Cas both jumped as they turned around to see a wizard who looked about as ancient as everything else in the shop. His thin grey hair hung limply around head. His facial features were wrinkled and turned looking and his eyes seemed to never blink. All they did was stare as if radiating wisdom out of them.

"Hello Mr. Ollivander." Replied Cas, still looking a little shocked by the mans sudden arrival.

"How does he know who we are?" Dean muttered to his friend.

"That's Garrick Ollivander." Cas whispered back. "He knows everyone and all their relations! Probably one of the best wand makers in the world!"

"Shall we get started?" Mr. Ollivander asked the boys who nodded somewhat nervously. "Mr. Winchester would you come here please?"

Dean obliged, slowly shuffling his way across the old wooden floor to the wand maker. Ollivander had now gotten out what seemed to be a tape measure. Only this one seemed to be doing all the work itself!

"What is your wand arm, Mr. Winchester?" Ollivander asked Dean.

"Re, I'm right handed if that's what you mean..." Dean replied.

Castiel took a seat on a spindly wooden chair in the corner of the shop as he watched the magic measuring device measure the length of Dean's left nostril. It see,ed that Dean was torn between terror at the site of this magical object and laughter.

Eventually the wand maker seemed to have finished his work and hurried back behind the counter. He skimmed through the shelves of tiny boxes before settling on a one. He opened it up to reveal to what looked like to Dean, an engraved brown stick.

"Oak and unicorn hair, eleven inches." The aged wizard mumbled. "Give it a wave." He then said, giving it into Dean's shaking hands.

Dean gave it one short and sharp flick of the wrist only to hear a loud bang and shout of pain. Castiel, who had been sitting on a chair, was now on the floor beside it! Dean grinned at his friend before they both burst out laughing.

"Seems that this one doesn't quite work for you. No matter, no matter." The old man said, taking the wand off Dean and storing it back in the case.

Many wands and accidents later

It seemed no wand was working for Dean who was starting to lose hope. What if he wasn't a wizard after all? What if Cas then just turned to him and said that he had made a mistake? Just when Dean was starting to get attached to this world it would suddenly be taken away from him.

"Let's give this one a go." Said Ollivander for what must have been the twentieth time! "Willow, Phoenix Feather, tweleve and a quarter inches."


The wilted flours vase smashed.

"S-sorry!" Dean stammered as he put the wand back on the desk.

"Not to worry. Reparo!" The tiny smashed pieces of China rose up in the air and repaired themselves. Dean gawped at the site.

"Hmmm..." Ollivander said, who was now back to browsing the shelves. "Said to be bad... Thought possibly from the beginning... Surely now but it can't hurt to try... Yes we shall try this one."

"What is it?" Dean asked.

"What about it brings bad luck?" Said Cas.

"Just superstition Mr. Novak. I'm sure Mr. Winchester can handle it! It's dragon heart string, thirteen inches and uh... Elder wood."

"What!" Cas yelled. "You can't give him that!"

"I assure you he will be fine, Mr. Novak. This one may not even work for him."

"What's going on?" Dean asked, utterly confused at Cas's overreaction.

"It is said elder wood wands bring bad luck to it's holder. Of course, this all just originated from a children's story. Just superstition, nothing to be worried about, Mr. Winchester. Here."

Dean took the wand and gave it a wave. A warm breeze seemed to ruffle his hair and light filled the dingy shop, illuminating everything around. Couldn't help but notice how blue Castiel's eyes were in the light!

"Oh bravo!" Mr. Ollivander clapped. "That'll be seven galleons please!"

* * *

They left the shop, blinking back the sudden sunlight. Cas kept on shooting Dean nervous looks, as if he was about to blow up at any moment. Cas had gotten himself a wand- unicorn hair, willow, twelve and three quarter inches.

"What's the big deal about elder wood anyway?" Dean asked Cas.

"It all started with the legend of the elder wand. The most powerful wand in existence."Cas began.

"Then Surely that's a good thing?"

"No. It a bad thing. A very bad thing. You see the elder wands passage threw wizardry is smeared with the blood of its holders. People do crazy things for power. Whoever held the elder wand died a bloody gruesome death."

"But this isn't the elder wand. This is just a wand made out of elder!"

Cas just shook his head. "Just be careful, Dean." He said. "Elder wands always bring bad luck to their holder. I want to make sure that that doesn't happen to you."

"I'll be okay Cas. I promise. Besides, I'm bad luck anyway. Just a walking mass of crappy luck."

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