Chapter 3- The Coat

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Five minutes of constant running, stumbling and getting scraped by plants.
Dean's jacket was torn to shreds by the time he managed to get back to his little brother.
"Dean!" Sam yelled in shock as he saw the state of him. "What happened to you?!"
"Don't worry about me, Sammy," Dean said as he took his brothers hand and started to drag him away. "Let's just get out of here!"
"But-" was all Sam managed to get out before they broke into a run.
. . .
"This Castiel," the boy's father, John spat at Dean as he started down at him with disgust over his face.
They were back home, and by home I mean the motel they were staying in. Hunters rarely got a home and if they did they would spend very little time in its comfort.
John hadn't even given Dean time to wash up before he sat him down on the hard bed and started the questioning. Sam had locked himself in the bathroom again, in fear that things would get heated between his father and brother and they'd start to shout or lash out on eachother.
Dean wanted to go in there and tell Sammy it was okay and that dad would never hurt him. But he knew what state Sam was in. Only last night he had discovered about ghosts, deamons, spirits and everything else that wasn't supposed to be real. Not that their dad knew of course, Dean and made Sam vow not to tell their father.
"He called you a Witch?" John continued.
"Yes sir. Well, a wizard actually." Dean corrected him only to be met by a stern gaze. "Not that that's of much importance!" He recovered himself quickly. "He must've been out of his mind. There's no way that I'm a wizard. Completely impossible!"
"Let's hope so." John said before softening his gaze ever so slightly. "You can tell your brother he can quit hiding. You can go in there and wash up now."
"Thank you sir!" Dean said gratefully before knocking on the bathroom door to give Sammy the all clear.
* * *
Dean winced as he applied the antiseptic to his cuts. His father had gone out to the police station after he got word of a suspicious case. Apparently a woman suddenly turned completely yellow before collapsing right outside a school.
Sam couldn't help but find this case a little funny due to the fact that all he could think of was a random woman suddenly turning into Marge Simpson!
"Here," Sam said as he took the antiseptic bottle from Dean. "You've missed a couple on the back of your neck and, although I'd love to see you attempt to get them, you probably wouldn and get an infection!"
Once they had finished applying the medicine, Sam turned to his brother.
"What happened?" He asked curiously.
"It was... Nothing." Dean muttered as he got out his toothbrush and applied paste to it.
"I've never seen you so scared! How's that normal?" Sam pushed. Dean merely shrugged.
"I'm your brother! You can tell me anything, I won't make fun. Well maybe a bit at first, but mostly I'll understand! Please Dean?"
"No." Dean said bluntly as he spat the toothpaste from his mouth. "Besides," he rinsed his brush and dried his mouth with his towel. "You only just learnt about what's out there. I don't wanna freak you out anymore. You're only seven."
"So what?" Sam exclaimed. "I'm not freaked out, I think I took it pretty well to be honest! Anyways, you knew about this stuff since you were four!"
"AND I WISH I HADN'T!" Dean was shouting now. He glared at his brother before sighing and shaking his head. "I just want to protect you Sammy. You're better off not knowing about that boy."
"Boy?" Sam repeated. "What boy?"
"SON OF A-" Dean yelled to himself before realising his second mistake and immediately changing his word choice. "Biscuit."
"Pfft!" Sam burst out laughing. "Geez Dean, I hear dad say that all the time! I know it's really son of a bi-"
"Ya know what, Sammy," Dean cut across just in time. "Why don't we go race the kitchen of biscuits before dad gets back!"
Sam shrugged and smiled as he followed Dean into the kitchen. Like he, a seven year old kid, would pass up a few chocolate biscuits!
* * *
"Dean!" John called as he arrived back to his boys.
"Yes sir?" Dean rushed over to him, doing a salute which didn't quite match the fact that he was wearing pyjamas.
"On my way back from the station I got you this." He held out a large, khaki coloured Trench Coat. It was much too big for Dean, and he was the tallest kid in his class!
"Uh, thanks dad." Said Dean, accepting the coat and that his father had been trying to be kind in his own special way.

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