Chapter Ten- The Journey

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The big day had finally come. The day the two boys would be packing their bags and leaving for Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

They made their way through the jam-packed muggle station, Kings Cross, dodging business people and confused tourists. They were also attracting a lot of strange looks due to the facet that two eleven year old boys were wheeling two massive old fashioned trunks unescorted. Dean could only be received that Idgit wasn't there. That owl would've been bounced to make a scene!

"Erm, Cas?" Said Dean after glancing at his ticket. "What's Platform Nine and 3/4?"

The small while sheet of paper was imprinted in bold, golden letters. Dean clasped the ticket in his hand, looking down at it confused.

"Don't worry about that. I'll show you when we get there." Cas replied.

Eventually he stopped suddenly by as solid brick wall chasing Dean to crash into the back of him. Two signs hung off either side of the wall one saying Platform 9 and the other Platform 10. Surely something wasn't right. According to his ticket the station he was meant to be at was somewhere in between this wall.

"Do you think they've messed up the tickets?" Dean asked. "Maybe we could ask one of the guards-"

"Dean to get through you will have to do something that goes against all you extraordinary human instincts. " Said Cas.

"You're scaring me a bit there buddy." Dean replied cautiously. He didn't like the sound of that. Was it to be some sort of test to prove his worth at Hogwarts?

"Do what I do and don't question it." Said Cas before taking a few paces back before running straight at the wall and disappearing inside it.

Dean blinked, unsure if what had just happened. He looked around, no one else seemed to have noticed anything odd let alone an eleven year old disappearing into a sold wall.

"What the..." Dean muttered to himself.

He placed one hand on the barrier and saw it dissolve before him. Immediately he pulled away, fortunately his hand was still attached to his arm.

Then Dean did something completely insane that see,ed to be the only sane disks sun in that situation. He took a few steps back and ran as fast as he could into the wall.

At first he couldn't see anything. Just darkness. An odd whooshing sensation tickled his stomach but he didn't stop running. Something told him that he couldn't, that he shouldn't.

Dean's blindness was then suddenly greeted by bright lights. Dean blinked a little before the scene unfolded before him.

He was stood on a large, crowded platform. Smoke billowed around it, the source of it coming from a magnificent scarlet steam engine. The loud buzz of excited chatter bounced off the walls along with the hooting of owls, croaking of toads as well as the off noises of other animals. Dean immediately knew he was in the correct place. No muggle place could ever be so wonderful. A sign hung next to him confirming his theory, the words Platform 9 3/4 on it. Below it stood Castiel, beaming from ear to ear.

"I see you made it through alright." Said Cas.

"Observant as always Cas!" Dean laughed with joy.

* * *

They climbed aboard the train just as it started to pull away from the station. He could see other pupils hanging out of windows, waving at their parents. Dean looked at them with a mixture of lust, happiness and envy. He wished his father could be there on the platform willing to wave him goodbye. On the other hand, it was nice to know that not all parents of wizarding children were not ashamed.

The boys made their way along the carriages, attempting to find one that wasn't full up. Eventually they found one with seats to spare. In it sat a pretty blonde haired girl with pigtails, a boy with black hair which covered his face as he looked down at his book and a girl with red hair who was beaming so widely her eyes were like slits. Cas slid open the door and sat down, Dean followed him in tentatively.

"Hey," the blonde haired girl greeted them. "You first years as well?" They both nodded. "I'm Jo Harvelle by the way. That's Kevin over there." She pointed towards the boy with the book. "And that's-"

"I'm Charlie!" The red headed girl interrupted. "Are you excited to go to Hogwarts? I am! I couldn't believe it when I got my letter, could you? I mean, I always knew I was different but I never thought I was a witch! Still seems a bit weird saying to yourself doesn't it? I must admit at first I was upset because wait he's are always the baddies in books but then- sorry, I'm tend to ramble on a bit when I'm excited. What're your names?"

"I'm Dean, Dean Winchester and that's Cas." Dean introduced himself.

The three knew students let up a gasp. Even Kevin who had been submerged in his literature looked up in shock. Out of the corner of his eye Dean could see Cas mouthing shut up to everyone. Dean snapped.

"Okay, what's going on?" He asked. "First the guy at the Leaky Caldron and now this? What's so special about me?"

"Dean I haven't been into rely honest with you." Said Cas. "The truth is... Well, it all started when a prophesy was found. It was held in one of the greatest medieval wizards tomb for centuries until it was finally unearthed seven years ago today. It was written in ancient runes, it took ten of the most well learned witches and wizards to figure out what it said. Finally they made it out. The prophesy foretold that a child born from a muggle with a hunting background would arrive at Hogwarts at the time of crises."

"What crises?" Dean asked. "I thought everything was good with you guys."

"Not exactly." Said Cas cautiously. "Recently a wizard has risen to power. A bad one. He's done terrible things, things that should never be done to even the cruelest of criminal. The worst since Lord Voldemort himself."

"Who is he?" Dean wondered, captivated by Castiel's words.

"His name is... Lucifer and trust me. I know all too well what he's like. I'm... I'm his brother."

Silence followed, eventually broken by Dean.

"Wait, so you're the darkest wizard of all times brother?!" Dean exclaimed.

"Yes, but I assure you I do not agree with him much like many of my other siblings. Of course some have taken his side in their bid to cease power but they don't understand. If Lucifer wins the entire world will be controlled by him. Do you know what that would mean. It would mean that there would be no justice, no fairness, no free will. We'd all just be mi does slaves, forced to do his bidding and I refuse to let that happen. I don't care if that means killing my own brother because if killing him makes this beautiful and truly astonishing world better you can bet that I would do anything."

"And scene!" Jo joked making Charlie burst out laughing. "Great work everybody, that's a rap for today!"

Dean however did not smile but remained stoney faced as he digested all this knew information. How could he be expected to kill a powerful wizard?

"Cas you must've got it wrong! I'm not the one the prophesy was talking about for sure! I mean look at me! I'm some confused little first year who doesn't know the difference between accio and ascendio! The only spell I know is Abra Kadabra!"

Suddenly everyone in the carriage unexpectedly ducked except him and Charlie.

"Are you lot alright?" Charlie asked them.

"Did he just try and use the killing curse on us!" Kevin exclaimed.

"I think he said Abra Kadabra." Said Charlie. "It's a muggle thing."

"Okay but next time Dean just don't say that! You'll get yourself expelled." Said Jo, brushing her now disarray hair from her face.

"I can't believe I have to kill Lucifer." Dean mumbled, unaware of what had just happened, surrounded by his own thoughts.

"I'm sorry Dean." Cas muttered and silence fell upon the group.

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