Chapter Nine- Hugs

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August 31st

Over a month had now passed since the day Dean and Cas had arrived in Diagon Ally. The two of them had been staying there ever since in a room in The Three Broomsticks. The whole scene was becoming more and more normal to Dean. Almost homely.

Dean had finally plucked up the courage to write a letter to his dad and Sam explaining where he was and what had happened. The letter had taken a while to write as Dean didn't quite know what to say. He eventually settled on:

Dear Dad and Sammy(and Uncle Bobby if you're there too!)
The first thing you need to know about this letter is that I'm not a monster. True, I thought I was one myself at first but then I met Cas.
Okay, I'll try to keep it short and sweet. I'm a wizard. I can do magic. I'm what they call a muggle-born. I come from a non-magical family and yet I can to it myself. You should know, the wizarding world is not a bad place. It's up to the wand holder to decide whether they want to bend what they've learnt into something evil. That's what Cas told me anyway.
I'm going to Hogwarts School this year where I'll be studying magic. I should be back for Christmas if you still want me. I hope you do.
I miss you all,
Love Dean.
P.S. Do not try to find me. Muggles(non magic people) aren't able to access wizarding places.

His writing was messy, he still hadn't gotten used to using a quill but it would have to do. He rolled up the piece of parchment and tied it to Idjit's leg.

"The next time you see me," Dean told the bird. "I'll be at Hogwarts. You know where that is right?"

The owl hooted reassuringly at Dean before taking flight. Dean watched it go until it was just a tiny speck in the distance. It still seemed rather odd to Dean that this one owl could fly all the way across the Atlantic Ocean and back but, then again, this was the wizarding world.

Despite Dean's amazement at this incredible world existing he couldn't help but think about the price he had paid to get there. He had left everything behind but most importantly he had left his own brother. Sammy was now completely alone with his unstable father with no one to step in if things got rough. Dean felt a plunging sensation in his stomach, as if all the hope and joy he had felt had been drained out of him. He had been so utterly selfish leaving Sam.

His vision started to blur as tears collected in his eyes. One by one they started to escape, falling down his cheek. Dean made no effort to try and wipe them, instead letting them fall onto the old wooden floor.

"Dean?" The familiar voice of Castiel greeted him. Dean turned around to see the boy, his head poked through the doorway of the room they shared.

"C-Cas?" Dean croaked, looking back at the window.

He felt a figure move beside him.

"You're upset." Cas observed.

"Yeah, no shit!" Dean answered rather savagely before realising that Cas was trying to make him feel better in his own special way. "I'm sorry. I-"

However Dean was cut off as Cas pulled him into a tight embrace. Dean let his arms wrap around Cas. He instantly started to feel better. The boy seemed to be radiating something. It wasn't a jovial feeling it was more like strength, kindness and courage. They stayed in each others arms for a few minutes before breaking apart.

"I was meant to do that wasn't I?" Cas asked Dean. "Or am I meant to kiss you as well-?"

"Woah dude!" Dean chuckled as he sat back down on his bed. "You did fine. Thanks."

"Anything for you, Dean." Cas mumbled, giving Dean a lopsided smile before quickly scurrying out the room.

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