A New Face

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"And they want that back, the power to place someone under rule.."

You and Kanna walked out of the cafeteria and into the central hall.

"Oh.. there's a big staircase here now!" Kanna exclaimed somewhat excited.

Well Kanna's behavior now is definitely different then from the game originally.

"Yeah that definitely wasn't there before.." You noted aloud.

In the hall stood Q-Taro and Sou on the side of the stair case.

"Maybe I should just explore it without 'em.." You overhead Q-Taro talking to himself.

Should I stop him.?

"Sou!" You beamed while waving over to him.

Hah.. I'd be surprised if he didn't get annoyed of me by now.

Sou looked in your direction before smiling weakly.

"Hello.. (Y/N).."

You and Kanna walked over to him when you noticed Kanna giving him weary glances.

"Don't worry Kanna, Sou's not that bad of a guy." You assured while giving Kanna an energetic thumbs up.

"Not that bad..?" Sou seemed distraught.

"Well if (Y/N) says so.. I will believe you." Kanna nodded her head determined.

"Ah Kanna! You shouldn't trust people so easily.."

"But it warms my heart that you trust me." You exclaimed while wiping a nonexistent tear from your eye.

They grow so fast.


"What's the deal with this staircase?" You asked.

"Ah. I was wondering myself.." Sou responded.

"Should we go up them.?" Kanna whispered.

"It's probably where Miley disappeared to." Sou concluded with a hand on his scarf.

"The Main Game grounds..."

"We should wait 'til everyone finishes checking around and regroups." You hummed thoughtfully.

"So, let's not check it out for now Kanna."

"Ah, okay.." Kanna nodded.

Sou observed the interaction quietly.

"Well, we'll be on the move, see you Sou." You waved as you redirected Kanna to where you were going to go originally.


Sou seemed like he wanted to say something but refrained.

"See you.." Sou waved slowly before staring at the stairs blankly.

r e t r y ? (YTTD x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now