Main Game

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"I want harmony, some unity."

"Nnh.." You groaned.

You woke up in a a decently sized room with a singular table and a screen displaying Miley's face.

To the left of the screen sat a glowing save button.

And to the right of the screen was a door.

"Eheehee... Everyone... How are you feeling?" Miley's voice rang out.

Just who I wanted to hear about now..

You waited a moment for her to keep speaking.

"This is a pre-recorded video. I'm afraid I can't answer any questions."

"Allow me to thank you, truly, for taking part in the Main Game." Miley beamed happily.

"This is a waiting room prepared for participants... The Last Supper Room."

"You may fill yourself with food before the game, or form a strategy. Use it however you please."

Your eyes scanned over the table infront of you.

It was filled to the brim with a plethora of different drinks and combinations of foods arranged neatly on top of a gray table cloth.

I am pretty famished..

But knowing what's about to happen.. it makes me almost lose my appetite.

"Those who successfully beat the Main Game can proceed to the next floor! Hooray!" Miley chirped joyfully.

"Note that those who do not exit their waiting rooms once the Main Game starts will die as a penalty. Do keep that in mind... Eheehee." Miley let out another eerie laugh.


"I will now explain the rules of the Main Game."

"Everyone, please take the card you obtained while exploring and touch it to this screen."

Your stance stiffened.

My.. card..

"You have your card, yes? Now, I will begin to explain."

"The basic rules are profoundly simple. One person will be selected by majority vote, and that person will die. That is all."

Some would argue they're anything but simple..

"The vote will be split into two parts. Through the first round, the preliminary vote, half the total will be chosen as candidates."

"Currently 13 are alive, so this will be 6. A final vote will be held using these, deciding the ultimate victim."

An extra spot for me or Mishima..

"In short, the victim is decided by gradually narrowing it down from 13 people, to 6, to 1!"

Chopping us down one by one.. or technically two by two since the sacrifice won't be voted for.

r e t r y ? (YTTD x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now