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Gillinskey:"Justin come here!"I shout for my son cuz I head he was bad in school again.

Justin:"what Wong daddy?"I ask

Gillinskey:"I got a call from ur teacher saying that u threw a block at a kid and said a bad word is that true?"I ask him sternly but calmly.

Justin:"yeah but he started it"I say

Gillinskey:"Idc my room now"I say pointing to the stairs.


Gillinskey:I start to unbuckle my belt.

Justin:I run upstairs.

Gillinskey:I get the spoon and go upstairs.

Justin:I see daddy has a spoon in his hand"nuh uh daddy me sowwy"I cry.

Gillinskey:"come here"I say

Justin:"nuh uh u gun hurt me"I say

Gillinskey:I soften up"bud come here"I say an pick him.

Justin:I start to get scared.

Gillinskey:"bud listen to me I'm only gonna give u five swats and then after this we can watch a movie and cuddle ok"I say

Justin:"can u do it wif hand and not da spoon?"I ask

Gillinskey:"sry bud but no"I say and stand him up and swat him 5 times SWAT SWAT SWAT SWAT SWAT.

Justin:I just scream.

Gillinskey:"it's ok bud where done shhhhhh"I say and pick him up and get him som juice in his race car sippycup.

Justin:I drink the juice.

Gillinskey:"what movie do u wanna watch bud?"I ask

Justin:"me watch power wangers"I say

Gillinskey:"alright bud"I say and put the movie in and cuddle with Justin.

Justin:"me go see bubby?(taylor)"I ask

Gillinskey:"not rn bud maybe later"I say.

Justin:"me call him?"I ask

Gillinskey:how am I going to tell him that is brother is in jail"no bud"I say

Justin:I start cryin.

Gillinskey:"hey u wanna go to the park?"I ask.

Justin:"yeah jj come?"I ask

Gillinskey:"no bud he's at work"I say

Justin:"Avery come?(Taylor's daughter)"I ask

Gillinskey:"no bud but coco can come(there dog)"I say

Justin:"otay"I say

Gillinskey:I pick up coco and take Justin's hand and we walk to the park.

Justin:"daddy u push me"I say

Gillinskey:"yeah bud"I say and put coco down and push him high.

Justin:I giggle"HIGHER HIGHER"

Gillinskey:I push him a little bit higher.

Justin:"go higher daddy"I giggle

Gillinskey:"hey bud I'm gonna take a break so go slide or something ok?"I say.

Justin:"otay"I say and go to the slide and a kid pushed me down and I start crying.

Gillinskey:I run over to Justin and see a little kid laughing at him and his mom comes over.

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