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Justin:I wake up and jump on the bed"DADDY!!"

Gillinskey:"I'm up"I laugh

Justin:"yay"I cheer

Gillinskey:"guess what bud"I say

Justin:"what ?"I ask

Gillinskey:"It snowed last night."I say

Justin:"yay we go pway in da snow"I say

Gillinskey:"yeah bud go put on ur coat"I say

Justin:I go put it on but I end up putting it on backwards.

Gillinskey:"haha bud u put it on backwards"I laugh an help him turn it around.

Justin:"we go play outside now?"I ask

Gillinskey:"yeah bud"I say and we both run outside and play in the snow."hey bud lets go inside we been playing for over an hour"I say and pick him up.

Justin:"NOOO"I yell and try and get out of his grip.

Gillinskey:I swat his leg and take him inside"hey we can go out later ok and ur nose is starting to turn red"I say

Justin:"I don't wanna go inside!"I shout

Gillinskey:"stop"I say sternly and then he throws himself on the floor and throws a tantrum so I pick him up and take him to his room and swat him 10 times SWAT SWAT SWAT SWAT SWAT SWAT SWAT SWAT SWAT SWAT.

Justin:"STOP IT DADDY"I cry

Gillinskey:"now listen if u throw another tantrum or ask me to go outside u will get a visit from the spoon"I say sternly.

Justin:"but u say we can go out in a wittle bit"I say

Gillinskey:"I know what I said I said we could go out later that means take a break and then go out."I say

Justin:"me have hot chocolate?"I ask

Gillinskey:"yeah bud"I say and make the hot chocolate.

Justin:I start to drink it but it's to hot"daddy it's hot"I say

Gillinskey:"that's why it's called hot chocolate bud"I laugh

Justin:I giggle

Gillinskey:"u wanna watch a movie?"I ask him.

Justin:"yeah"I say

Gillinskey:"what movie?"I ask

Justin:"da one where the Aliens meet a Human(home)"I say

Gillinskey:"ok bud"I say and put the movie in and pick him up and cuddle on the couch with him.

(After the movie)

Gillinskey:"hey bud u wanna go back outside?"I ask

Justin:"yeah"I say

Gillinskey:I run outside and dive into the snow.

Justin:I giggle"I wanna do dat"

Gillinskey:" it"I laugh.

Justin:I dive in like daddy.

Gillinskey:I pick him up"u wanna build a snowman?"I ask him.

Justin:"yeah"I say

Gillinskey:we start to build a snow man and when we do the wind starts to get colder and I look over at Justin and he's shaking.

Justin:"I cold daddy"I say

Gillinskey:"lets go inside bud"I say and pick him up and once we get inside I lay him down and he can't stop shaking.

Justin:"I don't feel good daddy."I say

Gillinskey:I feel his fourhead and check his ten and it 101.1 and I cover him up with a blanket.

Justin:"daddy make me feel better"I say

Gillinskey:I being him some medicine"here bud take this"I say

Justin:"nuh uh dat nasty"I say

Gillinskey:"bud it'll make u feel better"I say but he keeps his mouth closed"ok Justin u can have the medicine or u can have the shot the doctor gave me to give to u"I say

Justin:"I don't want da shot."I say

Gillinskey;"then are u gonna take ur medicine?"I ask him.

Justin:" but it gonna be nasty."I say

Gillinskey:"but it'll make u feel better."I say and he opens his mouth and I give him the medicine and he spit it out and I sigh and pick him up and give him the shot and he screams"shhhh bud we are done shhhh"I say and cuddle on the couch with him.

(A few hours later)

Gillinskey:"bud it's time for bed"I say

Justin:"no"I say

Gillinskey:I unbuckle my belt.

Justin;"NOO"I try and run upstairs but I trip and hit my neck on a box and just burst out into tears and daddy runs to me and picks me up and takes me upstairs rubbing my back."my neck hurts"I cry

Gillinskey:"shhh Ik bud just go to bed and it'll be better in the morning."I say

Justin:"I can't daddy it really hurts"I say

Gillinskey:"u want some medicine?"I ask.

Justin:"nuh uh"I say

Gillinskey:"u wanna sleep in daddys room?"I ask

Justin:"yeah"I say

Gillinskey:I take him to my room and lay down beside him and we both fall asleep.

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