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Gillinskey:"bud get up"I say

Justin:I wake up and jump In daddys arms.

Gillinskey:"ur going to daycare today bud"I say

Justin:"no!"I shout

Gillinskey:I swat his leg"u do NOT tell me no"I say and get him dressed.

Justin:"but u tell me no"I say

Gillinskey:"cuz I'm ur dad"I say and walk outside and out him in the car and drive to the daycare place.

Justin:"daddy pwease don't weave me"I cry

Gillinskey:we arrive at the daycare place and I take him out"bud listen to me uncle Sammy is here so u can stay with him and ill be back soon"I say.

Justin:"otay"I say and run to Sammy.

Sam:"hey bud"I say and gillinskey leaves.

(Few hours later)

Sam:"alright bud lets take ur nap"I say

Justin:"no I wanna stay up wif u"I say

Sam:"do u want a spanking?"I ask him

Justin:"u can't spank me"I say as I run away.

Sam:I grab his arm and swat him 5 times. SWAT SWAT SWAT SWAT SWAT.

Justin:"WEAVE ME AWONE!!"I cry and scream.

Sam:"go lay down or there will be a belt on ur bottom."I say

Justin:"u mean uncle Sammy"I say as I lay down.

Sam:I sit down in a chair and watch him sleep.

(A few hours later)

Justin:I wake up

Sam:"hey bud"I say

Justin:"we go da park?"I ask

Sam:"no bud cuz ur dad is gonna be here soon"I say

Justin:"we go to da park when he gets here?"I ask

Sam:"idk but you'll have to ask him."I say

Justin:"otay"I say

Sam:"go play ok"I say and watch the news.

Justin:"I wanna watch tv wif u"I say

Sam:"ok bud"I say and put him on my lap and the news says that there's a tornado coming toward us.

Justin:"what's dat?"I ask

Sam:"don't worry about it bud"I say

Justin:"I wanna know!"I shout.

Sam:"it's a really big scary storm"I say

Justin:"it's gonna hurt us?"I ask

Sam:"no bud let me call ur dad"I say and call gillinksey.

(Phone convo)


S-hey did u hear about the storm?

G-yeah Idk if it's safe to come and get him or not.

S-I can keep him here until after the storm.

G-alright thanks man

S-ur welcome bye*i say and hang up*

(End of convo)

Justin:"he coming to get me?"I ask

Sam:"not rn bud the storm is about to hit"I say as the room get darker.

Justin:"why it getting darker?"I ask

Jack gillinskey son spanking storyWhere stories live. Discover now