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Gillinskey:"hey bud wake up"I say

Justin:"hi daddy!"I say

Gillinskey:"hey bud it's time for school"I say

Justin:"daddy I no feel good"I say as I cough and sneeze

Gillinskey:I feel his fourhead and it's warm"I'm gonna check ur temp bud ok?"I say

Justin:"otay"I say

Gillinskey:I get the Thermometer and check his temp.

Justin:"me sick?"I ask

Gillinskey:"yeah bud ur staying home ok?"I say

Justin:"ok me no have to go to doctors wight?"I ask

Gillinskey:"yeah bud I'm gonna call the doctor."I say

Justin:"no daddy!"I shout

Gillinskey:"Justin"I warn

Justin:"daddy pwease"I beg

Gillinskey:"Justin listen to me u have an. Appointment at 10:00"I say

Justin:"no"I cry

Gillinskey:I just pick him up and take him to the car.

Justin:"NOO"I scream

Gillinskey:I swat his butt.

Justin:"OW daddy"I cry

Gillinskey:"stop"I say and put him in his booster seat and drive to the doctors.

Justin:once daddy gets me out of the car I throw myself on the grains and throw a tantrum.

Gillinskey:I pick him up an swat him 5 times. SWAT SWAT SWAT SWAT SWAT."stop now"I say sternly.

Justin:"NOOO!"I yell and cry

Gillinskey:"ur getting the belt when u get home."I say and pick him up and walk in the doctors office.

Justin:I just cry in his shoulder.

Nurse:"hi how may I help u?"I ask

Gillinskey:"I have an Appointment for Justin gillinskey at 10:00."I say

Nurse:"ok go ahead and sit down in the waiting room the doctor will be right out."I say

Gillinskey:"ok thanks"I say and go sit down with Justin in my lap.

Justin:"pwease daddy I no want da belt"I cry.

Gillinskey:the doctor calls us back do I stand up and walk to the room.

Justin:"me get a shot?"I ask

Gillinskey:"u have to get one shout bud"I say

Justin:"nuh uh"I say

Gillinskey:I just sit on the table and put him on my lap and the doctor gives him the shot.

Justin:I just scream.

Gillinskey:"shhhh it's ok shhh it's over with shhh shhh"I say as I rub his back.

Justin:"we go home now?"I ask

Gillinskey:"yeah bud"I say and drive home.

Justin:"daddy I no feel good"I whine

Gillinskey:"I know bud"I say as I pull up to the house.

Justin:"Daddy!"I whine and reach my arms out for him.

Gillinskey:I pick him up and take him inside.

Justin:"I don't feel good"I whine.

Gillinskey:I set him down and get his Medicine.

Justin:"no daddy dats nasty"I say

Gilinskey:"bud it'll make u feel better."I say.

Justin:"no"I say

Gillinskey:"I still have not forgot about ur spanking"I say

Justin:"no daddy pwease don't spank me wif da belt me no feel good"I cry

Gillinskey:"than take ur Medicine!"I shout

Justin:"otay!"I shout

Gillinskey:I give him the. Medicine.

Justin:"ew data nasty"I say

Gillinskey:I pick him up and take him to the couch.

Justin:"no panking daddy?"I ask

Gillinskey:I don't answer him and take my belt off.

Justin:"NO DADDY I SOWWY I SOWWY DADDY NO"I scream as tears run down my face.

Gillinskey:"bud listen to me ur getting 5 with the belt that's it ok?"I say while holding him.

Justin:"No daddy do it wif ur hand pwease me no wike da belt"I cry

Gillinskey:"sry bud"I say and swat him 5 times with the belt SWAT SWAT SWAT SWAT SWAT.

Justin:I run to my room.

Gillinskey:I just slump on the couch and call taylor.

(Phone convo)


G-hey listen I got Justin back and do u want to see him?

T-I'm at the hospital right now but ill come see him later.

G-why u at the hospital.

T-austin (his son) hung himself and they don't know if he's going to make it.

G-awe I'm sorry man I gtg tho bye*i say and hang up*

(End of convo)

Justin:"we go see bubby?"I ask

Gillinskey:"not rn bud ok?"I say

Justin:"why not?"I ask

Gillinskey:"cuz I said now go play with ur toys."I say

Justin:"we go da park?"I ask

Gillinskey:"no"I say

Justin:"why not?"I ask

Gillinskey:"u said u dont feel good remember?"I ask

Justin:"but I still wanna go to the park!!"I shout

Gillinskey:"do u want a revisit from the belt?"I ask him sternly.

Justin:"NO!"I shout.

Gillinskey:"then stop"I say.

Justin;"we go outside?"I ask

Gillinskey:"no bud it's time for bed"I say

Justin:"but I'm not tired"I say

Gillinskey:"to bad"I say

Justin:"daddy"I whine

Gillinskey:"bud stop"I say sternly.

Justin:"why u be mean now?"I ask as tears form in my eyes.

Gillinskey:"bud come here"I say

Justin:I slowley walk to him.

Gillinskey:I pick him up"bud listen I have alot of stress on me ok and I don't mean to put it all on u ok but u have to go to bed"I say

Justin:"otay but do me have to go to school tommorrow?"I ask

Gillinskey:"idk yet bud ill have to check ur temp"I say

Justin:"otay night night daddy"I say

Gillinskey:"night bud"I say and he falls asleep.

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