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Matt:"buddy wake up ur dad is here"I say.

Justin:"DADDY!!"I yell as run to him.

Gillinskey:"BUDDY!!"I yell and pick him up.

Justin:"I MISSED U."I yell and hug his neck.

Gillinskey:"haha I missed u to buddy"Iaugh and hug him.

Justin:"who dat?"I ask pointing to the girl behind him

Gillinskey:"oh Justin this is Kelly my girl friend"I say.

Justin:"hi"I say as I wave my hand.

Kelly:"hi sweety"I say as jack hand him to me and he starts to cry an reaches his arms out for jack"hey hey hey it's ok buddy I got a prize for u"I say while handin him a candy bar.

Justin:I smile"thank u"I say

Kelly:"ur welcome buddy"I say and we go to the car an jack drives us home.

Justin:"daddy I'm hungry"I say

Gillinskey:"what do u want to eat bud?"I ask.

Justin:"Mac and cheese"I say

Gillinskey:"ok bud"I say and Kelly goes and makes his Mac an cheese.

Justin:I eat all of it and reach for daddy"Im bored daddy"I say

Gillinskey:"u wanna go swim?"I ask.

Justin:"yeah!"I shout

Gillinskey:"ok Kelly can u watch Bella?"I ask an she nods her head and I put his trunks on and mine and we jump in the pool.

Justin:"daddy can I take my floaty off?"I ask

Gillinskey:"sure bud"I say .

Justin:I take and off and I get scared so I hold onto daddies arm.

Gillinskey:"u ok bud?"I ask.

Justin:"I want my floaty back on"I cry

Gillinskey:"ok ok calm down"I say and put his floaty back on him.

Justin:I start to swim"daddy Kelly's not my mommy right?"I ask

Gillinskey:"right bud"I say.

Justin:"otay"I say and play in the pool.

Gillinskey:"ok bud it's time to go in."I say.

Justin:"no"I say

Gillinskey:"exscuse me do u want the belt?"I ask .

Justin:"n-no"I say with tears in my eyes.

Gillinskey:"then get ur butt out of the pool and go inside NOW!"I yell and he just cries harder so I pick him up and swat him 5 times SWAT SWAT SWAT SWAT SWAT"WHAT DID I TELL U!"I yell and he runs inside crying.

Kelly:"hey hey hey buddy what's wrong?"I ask.

Justin:"d-daddy y-yell at me and. Whooped m-me"I cry.

Kelly;"alright buddy do u wanna watch a movie?"I ask.

Justin:"y-yeah"I sniffle and she picks me up and puts me in my warm pjs and sits me on the couch and turns on power rangers an I watch it an cuddle with Bella.

Gillinskey:"Go to bed Justin"I say.

Justin:"No Kelly said I can watch a movie"I say


Justin:I just put my head in Kelly's chest and scream and cry.

Kelly:"WTF IS WRONG WITH U JACK I TOLD HIM HE COULD WATCH A SHOW CUZ U SCARED HIM!"I yell and he slaps me across the face making me drop Justin.

Justin:I just scream and cover my ears.

Kelly:"come on Justin ur coming home with me"I say and pick him and Bella up and walk to my car.

Justin:"me still gonna see daddy?"I ask

Kelly:"yeah bud ur just gonna stay with me tonight ok?"I say.

Justin:"otay"I say and once we get to my house she puts Bella in a crib and me in her brothers bed and lays down with me."I'm not tired mommy"I say not realizing what I said

Kelly:"what'd u say?"I ask

Justin:"I-I sowwy"I say getting scared.

Kelly:"no no no buddy it's ok u don't have to be scared just go to sleep an tomorrow we can go get ice cream ok?"I say.

Justin:"otay"I say and fall asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2015 ⏰

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