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Luke:"hey bud wake up"I say

Justin:"can I call my bubby on ur phone I wanna talk to him."I say

Luke:"sry bud I don't have one mrs.clark broke it"I say

Justin:"then how me gonna talk to him?"I ask as tears form in my eyes.

Luke:"shhh bud it's ok I have a question to ask u"I say

Justin:"huh?"I ask

Luke:"do u want me to adopt u?"I ask.

Justin:"will me still see bubby?"I ask

Luke:"no bud"I say

Justin:"I don't want u to adopt me den"I say

Luke:"bud listen when u get in here u dont have another family but I wanna get u out of here so mrs.clark does not hurt u"I say

Justin:"I WANT MY BUBBY"I yell Breaking into tears.

Luke:"shhh"I say and cover his mouth

Justin:"why?"I ask

Luke:"Mrs Clark does not like crying"I say.

Justin:"me gotta call u daddy?"I ask

Luke:"no bud"I say then Mrs clark calls him down.

Justin:I go downstairs"yes?"

Mrs Clark:"someone is here to adopt u"I say and point to gillinskey.

Justin:I get scared and back away"nuh uh"I say

Gillinskey:"come on bud I'm sorry"I say

Mrs Clark:"and he's already signed the papers so u gotta go."I say

Justin:"I be back daddy"I run upstairs to luke"wuke I sowwy me want u to be my daddy"I say

Luke:"who's downstairs bud?"I ask

Justin:"my daddy he wants to adopt me again."I say

Luke:I pick him up and take him downstairs to his dad.

Justin:"daddy u adopt luke to?"I ask

Gillinskey:"no bud:"I say and take him to the car.

Justin:"why we no adopt wuke?"I ask

Gillinskey:"cuz it's alot of money to adopt him"I say and drive home.

Justin:"otay"I say.

Gillinskey:we arrive at the house and I take him Insdie.

Justin:"daddy u no weave me again wight?"I ask

Gillinskey:"right bud"I say

Justin;"promis?"I ask

Gillinskey:"I promis bud."I say

Justin:"we go 2 da park?"I ask

Gillinskey:"no bud it's gonna rainf soon."I say

Justin:"but I bored"I say

Gillinskey:"wanna play power rangers?"I ask

Justin:"yeah"I smile

Gillinskey:I get a green mask and he gets his red mask and we play until it's time for bed.

Justin:I lay my head on daddys shoulder"daddy I miss wuke"

Gillinskey:"I know bud"I say and carry him to my bed and lay down beside him and we both fall asleep snoring.

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