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Gillinskey:"bud wake up"I say

Justin;"me gotta go to school?"I ask

Gillinskey:"yeah bud"I say

Justin:"I don't feel good doe."I say

Gillinskey:"I took ur temp ur fine"I say and get him dressed and take him to the car.

Justin:"daddy I stay wif me at school otay?"I say

Gillinskey:"no bud I have to go to work"I say and drive to his school.

Justin:"no daddy me stay wif u"I cry

Gillinskey:"bud stop"I say and take him out of the car and walk in the school.

Justin:"NO DADDY!!"I scream

Gillinskey:"listen to me ur gonna go in that class room and be good or you'll get a visit from mr.belt"I say sternly.

Justin:"I not gonna be good"I say sassily.

Gillinskey:"then you'll get 20 with the belt when we get home"I say

Justin:"NO"I scream and cry.

Gillinskey:I pick him up and take him to his class room and sit him in his chair and walk out.

Justin:"DADDY!!"I scream and cry.

Teacher:"come on buddy it's time to read"I say

Justin:"I want my daddy I no wanna wead"I cry

Teacher:"come on bud"I say

Justin:"no"I cry

Teacher:"alright I'm calling ur dad"I say and call him

(Phone convo)


T-I'm hi mr.gillinskey it's mrs Clark.

G-is every thing ok?

T-um well no Justin is crying and screaming and throwing everything cuz he wants u.

G-um ok do u want me to come get him or?

T-yes and I'm sorry but he is suspended for a week.

G-alright ill be there as soon as I can*i say as I hang up*

(End of convo)

Teacher:"Justin go get ur stuff."I say

Justin:I go grab my stuff and daddy walks in not looking happy."DADDY!"I yell as I run to him.

Gillinskey:I pick him up and take him outside and swat him 5 times.

Justin:"DADDY I SOWWY"I cry

Gillinskey:"I'm very disappointed in u Justin"I say

Justin:"I sowwy daddy I just missed u"I say as tears roll down my face.

Gillinskey:"listen bud u have to go to school so I can go to work but ur getting the belt when we get home."I say as I put him in the car and drive home.

Justin:"NO DADDY NO"I say as I start to throw up.

Gillinskey:"Justin"I say as I pick him up and take him inside and lean him over the toilet.

Justin:I throw up"I sowwy daddy me didnt mean to throw up"I say scared.

Gillinskey:"it's ok bud I'm not mad just go lay down"I say

Justin:"u lay wif me?"I ask

Gillinskey:"yeah bud"I say as I pick him up and lay down with him.

Justin:"daddy wake up"I say

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