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Gillinskey:"bud wake up"I say

Justin:" can me stay home today."I say

Gillinskey;"yeah bud bubby (taylor) is already on his way with aves"I say

Justin:"YAYY!"then I notice he didnt take his shirt off"why u no take shirt off"I giggle.

Gillinskey:"do u think Casper put my shirt on"I ask in shock but jokingly.

Justin:"yeah he did"I say and go to his shirt trying to take it off.

Gillinskey:"haha no bud don't do that let's get u dressed cuz we are gonna meet bubba at the park."I say

Justin:"otay"I say

Gillinskey:I get him dressed and take him to the car and drive to the park.

Justin:"when we gonna be there"I whine

Gillinskey:"we are already here bud and look there's bubba."I say

Justin:"BUBBY!!"I yell trying to unbuckle myself.

Gillinskey:I just laugh and unbuckle him and he runs to taylor.

Justin:"BUBBY"I yell as I run to him.

Taylor;"Hey bud"I say as I pick him up.

Justin:"where's Avery?"I ask

Taylor:"she's waiting for u on the bench"I say

Justin:I run to her"HIII!

Avery:"JUSTIN"I yell and hug him.

Justin:I hug back"I missed u."I say

Avery:"I missed u 2 wanna go pway?"I ask.

Justin:"yeah we pway power ranger otay?"I say

Avery:"otay we pway on da slide"I say

Justin:"otay"I say and run to the slides and we play power rangers and then I go to the monkey bars and fall and start to cry."DADDY!"

Gillinskey:I run to him"what's wrong bud?"I ask

Justin:"I fell"I sniffle.

Gillinskey:"it's ok bud"I say and kiss his head and he goes right back to playing and I go back talking to taylor"so how's aves been doing?"I ask.

Taylor:"she's been good"I say

Gillinskey:"what about Courtney?"I ask.

Taylor:"I honestly don't know what to do with her she doesn't listen for shit"I say

Gillinskey:"what has she done now?"I ask.

Taylor:"she snuck out and had sex with some dude"I say

Gillinskey:"Woah hold up how old is she?"I ask

Taylor:"14"I say

Gillinskey:"how old was the guy?"I ask

Taylor:"20"I say

Gillinskey:"WTF bro"I say

Taylor:"I know man"I say

Justin:I run to daddy"daddy I'm tired"I say

Gillinskey:"ok let's go home say bye to bubby."I say

Justin:"bye bubby"I say

Gillinskey:I put him in the car and drive home.

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