Kinda background info and headcanons

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Hello everyone and welcome to my rockstar au! Recently I've been listening to 90's rock kinda? For example, bands like The Offspring, Green Day, blink-182, and Korn, I don't really know if those are 90's rock, but I really enjoy their songs!

Anyways, I got the lovely idea where Shuichi is a famous rockstar and he gets to sing all my favorite songs, while Kokichi is hopelessly in love! Before we get into that though, I'd like to go over some my headcanons for the pregame characters for this particular story. To you let you know my dear reader, what you're getting into! P.S I have a problem with making each character have the same personality, so I'm sorry if they all sound very similar. 

Shuichi Saihara. 

- He's had a thing for music at a very young age, if there was a music club at the school he went to, he'd join. BAND KID OH MY GOD.

- He enjoys Danganronpa but to an extent, he has a Kyoko poster and keychain [That he stuffs in his bag]. He gets pretty embarrassed when someone brings up that he likes it, so he likes it in secret. 

- Very very sweet, all he wants to do is to see people smile. He likes to do that by putting out songs that people can dance and sing along to. 

- Easily flustered and very shy in person, but when he's on the stage he has a completely different persona. He's cocky and confident. 

Kokichi Oma.

- He's actually fairly popular at school, people think he's very cute, though he only sticks to his one and only friend Kaede.

- A hopeless romantic, he has a whole bookshelf full of shitty romance novels and writes self-insert love stories in his spare time. 

- He lives with his mom, he promised her that he would protect her against anyone or anything that would try to hurt her since she protected him from his dad for his whole childhood. 

- He adores Danganronpa, he watches it with his mom all the time. Though, he's not too crazy about it.

Kaede Akamatsu

- She loves true crime, scary stories, and all that jazz. She often tells Kokichi about the stories she's heard, and it scares the absolute shit out of him. 

- Known as a delinquent at school, she often skips classes and gets into fights. People don't understand how someone like Kokichi could hang out with a "social refugee"

- Very artistic, she'll never admit it, but she'll go out and just draw the stuff she sees outside. It's a nice way to relax for her. 

- She can be very harsh and short, but also very protective and caring. It really depends on her mood. 

Kaito Momota.

- King of the school, known for his short temper, Kaito is easily angered and quick to throw a punch.

- Everyone is pretty much scared of him, people do his homework for him, give them his lunch money. Basically, your average pregame Kaito..kinda. 

- Kaito is a major baseball fan, he plays for the school's baseball team as their starting catcher. At the end of everyday he loves nothing more than to hit the living shit out of some baseballs.

- Kaito spends a lot of time with Maki, unlike his usual hothead and dimwitted personality he's very gentle with her. He even tries to speak softer to not alarm her. 

Maki Harukawa

- Leader of the cooking club! Maki loves to make different types of treats to give to her friends and to cook for herself. She experiments with different types of flavors and aims to be a pro chef one day. 

- She's kinda like a goody two shoes, she is always on her best behavior, many people dislike because they see her as a teacher's pet. 

- Besides cooking, she also enjoys tending to the school's garden. 

 - At first she was frightened by Kaito, but by now she sees him as a huge teddy bear! <3

Yea these are my headcanons! They'll be more characters, but these are kinda the main ones. It took my so long to write this for some reason, so I'll try to get the first chapter up tonight. By the way, if you have any suggestions for songs Shuichi should like..I don't know, sing? Then just leave a comment or message me on the board thingy. I'm planning on making a playlist! 

Have a good day/night 

- L

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