A Message!?

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 Sorry I disappeared again; my grades were going to shit and this person I know was going batshit crazy, so I had to take care of that. Anyways, I'm back! 

Kokichi POV

  OHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGOD SHUICHI..THE SHUICHI WANTS TO BE MY FRIEND!?! I couldn't believe it! When I got home I couldn't stop blabbering to my mom about it. Most of the night I stared at my phone, wondering what to say to him, I could tell that Kaede was going through the same thing as me because I was getting tons of notifications of her freaking out about it. I fumbled with my phone, maybe I should play it cool with a simple "hey," but what if  my tone comes off harsh? A friendly "hi!" might be a better choice. But I might come off as too excited and freak him out. Even sending the first text could seem as if I'm just some desperate loser! Oh god, Shuichi's so cool..if he saw me like this he'd probably think I'm weird..

Shuichi POV

  Holy shit, what do I say!? I was thinking about asking the two I met at the show today if they wanted to go to the park tomorrow. But honestly, I was very intimidated. It sounds stupid, a well known musician scared of texting his own fans- well friends. But they seemed so tight knit, like they've known each other forever.  What if I say the wrong thing and they think I'm weird? Should I even send a message?? Come on Shuichi, tough if it up! If you can't send a simple text, you'll never get close to them! It's time to be a man! I added Akamatsu and Oma to a group chat and asked if they would like to come to the park with me tomorrow. That way I can get closer to them and we'll be best friends forever! Ew..I sound obsessive. What I mean is that hopefully they won't regret being my friend. 

Back to Kokichi's POV 

  It was Saturday morning. I woke up to the smell of my mom's famous pancakes, I adore my mom's cooking! She can make even the grossest food a delicacy, she could be an iron chef without even trying!  If anyone says anything otherwise, I'll bite them. True story actually, someone called my mom a thot, so I bit them. I got suspended for a couple days but it was worth it! Anyways, I could hear her voice calling down to me.

  "Kokichi! Kokichiii! Wake up dear, that show about the cute little kitties is on!" I could hear the giddiness in her voice when she mentions kittens. Every weekend we get up at about 9 am and gone on a morning jog, I absolutely hate running but with her it's always fun.  When we get back though it's my favorite part, we hit the showers, put on some comfy clothes, and sit down and watch my favorite show besides Danganronpa! It's about these people who find stray cats and find them homes, it's the cutest thing! Sometimes when we watch my mom looks at her phone, and I swear I can see her looking at cats on the website for our local animal shelter. I wonder what she's planning..wait, if the show's on then it must be around 10 am, right? Did my mom let me sleep in? I need to check the time.

  I grabbed my phone and saw that it was exactly 10 am, I guess she let me sleep in after I stayed up late to go to that concert last night. My eyes were drawn to a certain notification though, it was titled "Shuichi Saihara Fanclub." I'm not in any group chats named that, who added me? More importantly, who's in it? 

  I opened up the group chat and squealed. 

  It was Shuichi! And he invited me to go to the park at 12, you hear that? He invited ME! ME! ME! ME! And Akamatsu, but mainly ME! I rushed down the stairs screaming like I'm some sort of banshee, I was so excited, Shuichi really is serious about this friend thing! Oh my god I can't wait, hold on, what the hell am I gonna wear!?!


- L 

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