A day for..two?

91 4 2

Kokichi POV

I spent the couple hours I had trying to pick something to wear, I couldn't get the thought of hanging out with Shuichi out of my head. Why am I thinking about him so much? Why do I want to impress him so much? I didn't even know he existed until yesterday! But when I saw him on stage, and when he asked to be my friend. I just felt so drawn by him, ugh! What is wrong with me?!

"Sounds like you have a crush!" I heard my mom comment, I was so caught up in my thoughts, I didn't notice I was talking out loud!

"What? No, I don't like him, we just met."

"Well, in all those love stories you read, the two characters end up getting married in five minutes of knowing each other!"

"Would you stop bringing that up-"

My mom just giggled in response, and I began digging in my closet. I don't know what to go with, should I try and be a bit extra? Should I go with something more casual? Should I be those over accessorized Junko cosplayers I see on tiktok? So many choices, such little time! I decided to wear black baggy jeans and grey sweater. This was heavily influenced by my mom, she said it was going to be cold.

Well now that that's figured out, I guess I should just wait till it's time to go. My mind began to wander, thinking about what we might do, y'know me and Shuichi. Oh and Kaede, forgot about her for a second. Anyways, it'll be so much fun! Just me, Shuichi..and Kaede! Suddenly, my phone beeped, I looked down to see it was from Kaede, in the group chat Shuichi made.

Ka: Hey guys, I'm sorry. I can't go today, something with family came up.

S: That's fine Akamatsu-san! I hope everything's okay.

Ka: Thanks Saihara-kun.

S: No problem! Oma-kun, do you still want to go?

I have never typed a sentence so fast in my life.

Ko: Oh, yes! We can still go!

S: Perfect, see you there!

I smiled and as I was about to put my phone away, I noticed that it was time to go! So I quickly said goodbye to my mom, and ran to the park, where we were supposed to meet. When I got there, I started looking around for Shuichi. Since I lived a little far away from this park, I assumed that he had gotten there before me.

"Oma-kun! Behind you!!" I quickly turned around to see Shuichi smiling and waving to me. His smile was so welcoming. Like someone you love was giving you a warm hug.

"It's nice to see you." He said, his voice was so nice, everything he says sounds so genuine. I found it hard to muster up a response.

"It's nice to see you too!" I blabbered, hopefully I don't somehow screw this upppp..

Shuichi led me to a bench we could sit on and talk. It was a beautiful day; the sun was shining, and the trees were swaying in the wind along with the flowers. Shuichi and I talked about nothing important, until he asked me something interesting.

"Hopefully this doesn't come off..sudden, but what do you think my songs are lacking in?" He asked, I barely knew what to say. Why was he asking someone like me for advice? It's not like my opinion actually matters.

"Saihara! I don't think your songs are lacking in anything, they're really good!"

I noticed Shuichi's face go a little red, it was honestly kinda cute, did he actually care about if I liked his music or not? No- don't be silly Kokichi, he already heard you scream praise at him at the concert. He might just be feeling a little sick.

"Please Oma-kun, everyone has room for improvement. My projecting could be off, I could be not putting in enough emotion when I sing, I could not express certain emotions with my lyrics, I could also be lacking in a genre-"

"You should make more love songs." Stupid, I know, but again. I don't listen to much music, except my mom's Taylor Swift playlist.

"L-Love songs?" Shuichi stuttered, he looked confused. Did I weird him out?

"Yeah, love songs!"

"I don't have anyone to really..write that about.." Shuichi said, well, whispered, I could barely hear him. But when he said, I felt like a real idiot. How could he write a love song if he's not in love with someone?

"It doesn't just have to be about loving someone though, it could be about unrequited love. Or maybe pass experiences with love, I don't know." I really wanted to steer away from this subject. Shuichi just smiled at me again.

"Thank you Oma, I think I might actually have someone in mind."

"It's nothing Saihara..!"

We talked for a bit more, I learned that me and Shuichi actually have some things in common! We both like to read, though to be fair he actually likes detective novels compared to the things I like to read. But he also enjoys Danganronpa! I was really excited when he said that, though I'm not like those..fans..who take the game a little too seriously.

"Who's your favorite?" I asked, eager to know his answer.

"Oh uhm, I like Kirigiri..she's really smart! Who's yours?"

"Hmm, it's tied between Tsumiki and Komaeda. They're both kind of annoying at times, but they both have a special place in my heart."

"Hey this is really off topic..but do you want to get ice cream? I'm kinda hungry." Shuichi suggested, my soul was screaming in joy. I was having the most fun I had in ages. I obviously agreed, Shuichi grinned and got up. The park we were at was next to this pretty plaza just across the street, so thankfully it wasn't a long walk just to get some ice cream. When we arrived at the road we were preparing to cross, when out of nowhere I felt something touch my hand! I quickly looked down to see..

SHUICHI WAS HOLDING MY HAND!?! MY SOUL IS LEAVING MY BODY OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD- He kept holding it while we crossed the street too, my face was covered red! He was just holding my hand like I was- his boyfriend or something! When we got to the other side, as we were approaching the ice cream shop, Shuichi took notice that he was holding my hand. His face was instantly covered in blush as he let go of my hand.

"Oh my gosh! I-I'm so sorry Oma-kun! I-I didn't even notice..I-I..it was just a force of habit!" Shuichi kept blabbering about how he was sorry, he was stuttering like crazy too. It was nice to know that I wasn't the only one so embarrassed by this. But like last time, I found it his reaction kind of cute.

"It's okay Saihara! Don't be so embarrassed!" I giggled and patted him on the back.

"Ugh..let's just go get ice cream, okay?"

yay another chapter, sorry if their relationship seems kind of rushed. I wanted them to have more interaction so i don't bore people half to death. anyways hope you enjoy.

- L

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