Music taste.

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Hello world my name is Kokichi Oma, and apparently, I have terrible music taste. 

"Really Oma? Danganronpa execution music and radio music??" I looked at Kaede, we'd been friends since like..second grade? I love her with all my heart but sometimes she can really be a bitch.

"D-Don't say it like t-that!" I quickly spat out; she had been teasing me about the music I listen to all day! I don't even listen to that much music! I usually have my nose stuffed in a book or writing one of my incredible stories. Kaede says they're cringe, but she doesn't know anything! The only time I listen to music is when I'm driving my mom somewhere and she turns on her playlist. It's filled with like, I don't know Taylor Swift?? We listen to the same song on repeat and it drives me mad. 

"You should really listen to other things y'know. Honestly, you should do more." Kaede started putting a finger up to her lip, "All you do is read some cringe love stories, and then fantasize about being a princess in need of a knight in shinning armor." I stood there, appalled by what she said, the worst part was fucking true. I longed for romance even at a young age, I wanted to live for someone and I wanted someone to live for me.

"You know how about-" Before Kaede could finish her sentence the bell rung, ugh, time for class.

"I'll just tell  you later, cya Oma." Kaede waved goodbye.

"B-Bye Akamatsu!" 

Class was boring as usual; I didn't pay attention all that much. All I wanted was to get home and lay down, maybe have tea with my mom and watch Danganronpa together. I was very much a mama's boy, when I was younger wherever my mom went, she would have a tiny little Kokichi following her. Nowadays it's kinda like the other way around.


Oh, class is done, didn't Kaede have something she wanted to tell me? I guess I better meet up with her. I walked to my locker, that's where we usually meet after classes. Soon enough she walked up to me, before I could even say anything she cut me off.

"You're coming to a concert with me tonight."


WOOHOO CHAPTER ONE! I always get so distracted when I'm making these, this chapter is a little short but the next one we should be getting into a little action. I just wanted to expand a little more on my headcanons from the last chapter, mainly focusing on Kokichi. Anyways, I need to go to bed and think of which songs I want Shuichi to sing. So have a good day/night!


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