New Tires

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Victoria drove really close to Este's house. She pulled up behind the bushes, like the spy she is. She saw something fishy, something weird. Jake's Isuzu was filled with someone's stuff. A woman's stuff, to be more exact. Bags. Soooo many bags. She was weirded out by the fact that someone would be moving in.

She got out of her car and walked to Este's house. She rung the door bell when Jake came stumbling towards the door. She muttered a little 'hi' and went into the house, closing it behind her. 

"Jake, do you know what happened to Este?"

"Yah sh' s'ill a' 'er  'ffice" Jake drawled, obviously drunk.

"No, she's dead. Someone murdered her. Her body wasn't found, only her blood was" Huffed Victoria

"Well, Vissy, No Body No Crime"

'Huh? that was weird'

"What do you mean?" Queried Victoria.


"I still don't believe you.... Come on, where are you hiding my darling wife?" Jake said after a long pause

"I'm not lying, she is really dead."

Grief was showing in her ocean-blue eyes when she said that. Jake looked panic- stricken. He broke down, holding Victoria's beautiful long frock, he broke down. He cried and cried for hours, saying that the stuff outside in a truck was all a gift he brought for Este. Victoria got his phone and called his best friend, Manish. After, what felt like several sunlit days, Manish arrived. He helped Jake, who was puffy-eyed, but still crying. Victoria said a goodbye to the pair and walked outside the door. Running to her car, she made the decision to call Samantha first.

(A/N: underlined italics are people on phone)


"Hey, umm, how am I even supposed to say this, umm, so, turns out Este's been murdered and FBI is not taking up the case" Saying this, Victoria broke down into silent sobs. Sam was the only person that she ever let her guard down to. Except Este. 

"I- WHAT!?!?!?!" was what her girlfriend said. Sam and Este were also very close. They both were always discussing all the complains they had about Victoria, together. They laughed together and even build a special bond.

Samantha tried consoling her girlfriend, but how could she? She was crying herself. UNCONTROLLABLY. Victoria said a quick bye, Victoria thought of a person who love Este dearly. going into her car, she took her head in her hands. What would Taylor do? She always looked up to her older sister and now she was gone. Forever.

She dialed Taylor's number and called it. Taylor answered on the second ring.

"Hey Tori, missed me?"

Victoria didn't know what to do. How could she destroy the happiness of such a Smol Beanᵗᵐ. 

"Hey Tay, umm, so *sob* you know *sob* Este? *sob"

"What happened to her?!?!? And why are you crying?!?!

Victoria mustered up the courage and finally stopped sobbing.

"Well, Este didn't exactly come home to Jake yesterday night and Jake was too drunk to notice that. I messaged her but there was no response. I tried to call her but the number said that it was switched off. I tried calling Jake but he said she was at office. When I went to office, Inez said that she left at night into an alleyway. When I saw what was there, it looked like a..... murder ."

A gasp escaped Taylor's mouth, loud enough to be heard over the phone. She started crying, her boyfriend being heard over the phone, comforting her. This broke Victoria's heart. She herself couldn't believe it. Este and Taylor only had each other as blood relatives. Their parents died a few years ago. And Jake was too shock-ridden to do it. To plan the funeral. But something still bothered Victoria in the back of her mind. 'Why were the tire new?'

A/N: that was the longest chapter written in this book so far. I hope you liked it. Vote for this book, if u do. Comment on what you think and i'll comment back. Thank you soo much for the support that I have been getting. TOODLES!!!!!!!

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