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the ghost of dwayne hoover

The house felt scarier when she had nothing to do and she fully processed that she was completely alone for the next 5 hours until her parents came home

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The house felt scarier when she had nothing to do and she fully processed that she was completely alone for the next 5 hours until her parents came home.

Her emotions didnt distract her from her reality and her thoughts were completely silent. . .just as she had been for the last 9 months.

She practically let every single thing out the day prior and then took a long bike ride home to fully process what she had done.

She didnt regret it.

The mark on her arm ( that she was surprised that it was there in the first place ) and tingling feeling on her knee forced her to remember it anyway.

She came home to find her parents watching TV in the living room before going to sleep. When she woke up, they were gone. Everybody was gone. She was oh so alone.

And it seemed as though the house wanted to play a little joke on her when she was having a not so great time.

Doors that she could've sworn were shut were opened the next time she looked at it. The stairs creaked as she walked even though they had never done so before. The house was completely silent and she felt nothing but pure fear when it made a noise.

It was terrifying.

She spent that whole morning holding her legs as she sat on the corner of the bed that was tucked by the wall and frantically looked around her room as if something or someone would be there.

Her pillow was becoming drenched from her clammy hands that gripped it for comfort and she was getting super sweaty from being cocooned in blankets as if it would protect her.

She believed they would protect her, monsters can't grab her feet if her feet were tucked in a blanket.

She inhaled deeply, trying to calm herself down. She supposed she could talk to herself to distract herself but she needed to be on full alert when the ghost appeared. Hopefully it was a nice ghost and not a bad one that crawled on your ceiling and possessed you.

A frantic knock was heard on the front door.

She gasped and hid under the blankets and tried to make herself as small as possible. The knock was heard again and she tried to control her breathing so no one would know she was there. The opening of the door made her blood run cold and chills spread down her back despite being hot.

Oh god I'm going to be murdered, she thought to herself as she closed her eyes so tight she began to see stars. Edwin warned me about men like this.

She probably shouldn't have assumed it was a man, women murdered people too. It was just more likely and she felt like the vibes came from a man for some reason. . .maybe because of the incident yesterday. She needed an escape plan.

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