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(some of the short) letters from Winnie

WOTS UH THE DEAL(some of the short) letters from Winnie

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.


I know we stopped sending letters to each other when we finally were able to hang out whenever we please but I don't want to stop. It's like part of my routine that if I don't do it I'll explode or something.

Anyway since this is the first letter you'll never see, I thought I'd say this.

Today I saw you in a different light. The kind of light that had hearts floating around and you were in slow mo I think. I don't know it made me all queasy. I think this is love. I love my best friend. Do you know how weird that sounds?

You were there, laying on my lap while I wrote and you were reading. It was such a great feeling. I started crying I think, before I came to the conclusion that I love you. I was writing something sad, I don't want to remember what it was but you read it so you know what I'm talking about.

You were so concerned.

You didnt know what to do so you started reading out loud to me and I felt so much better. Because there you were, trying to make me feel better without asking obvious questions like 'are you okay' and all that stuff.

I loved hearing your voice and how you got so invested in the book like I wasn't even there.

You're so cute Dwayne, I love you.

Love, Winnie


Dwayney Wayney,

Ew that sounds so disgusting.

Anyway today you asked me why I love cherry slushies so much that I get them at least once a week. Truth is I don't love them, or like them really. Im very lucky to be able to tolerate them like I do.

Cherry slushies remind me of you and every time I miss you I go drink one, even if you're right next to me.

I think it has to do with that time that you got really excited for me to try my first slushy. We were in class and it was the day before spring break, we always passed notes to each other remember?

Anyway you were so excited all day because we were going to the gas station afterwards and you were going to make me get a slushy. Do you remember that day? I think about it all the time.

I hated it so much but you were so happy so I drank all of it. Now it's like an addiction because every time I take a sip of that cold drink I think of you and I love every second.

Love, Winnie

P.S I went to go get one after this.


Captain Hoover,

I have no idea what they call pilots so that'll have to do. If anything you can be the pilot of a ship. Ships are so pretty.

Anyway I wanted to ask you a quick question.

Do you ever think of your future besides being a pilot? Do you think you'll be married and have kids or pets because children are scary? Will you live in the country with a big house or in the city with a small condo? What do you think it'll look like?

This is kind of embarrassing but I thought about having a pet turtle with you.

That's all I want in my future.

Love, Winnie


My sunshine,

I think we should marry each other if we don't find anyone else to marry. That's what most best friends do right?

I think it'll be great. I don't see myself marrying anyone when I'm older. If I did the first thing I would do would be that I can't share a room. Or a bed.

I need my own sacred space.

I don't know why I told you that.

Love, Winnie



I can't stand being alone.

You're out of town right now and my parents are gone and im alone. Normally I spend a lot of time alone because we don't spend every second together but this is different. There's no one I can run to in case something goes wrong.

Please hurry home fast, the house is coming alive.

Love, Winnie

P.S wish Olive luck for me,, I know she'll do amazing.


Oh my,

Dwayne we kissed today.

We danced and talked and kissed and oh god it felt so magical. Im never going to take my mind off of it ever.

Love, Winnie

P.S It kept me up at night.

P.P.S I wish we could maybe do that again


Dwayne I love you,

I need you to know that. I need it to be engraved in your mind and tattooed on your skin because its true and you deserve to know that. I love you and I will continuously do so even if my heart stops beating.

Never forget it.


( note

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

( note. )

I think im gonna cry

thank you so so much for sticking and reading this book! this is the first fanfic I ever finished ( I was going to say book but I realized I have finished books before ) and I feel very all over the place oh my god.

the end was kind of rushed but I couldn't handle writing the constant touchings and all of that yk so my apologies for not making it longer



اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.
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