pure rage

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A powerful emotion, a thing that can set our mind from the mission, so we dance, we shoot a gun, we do everything not to get mad, not to get away from our mission.
But what if we do?

Anastasia pov

"...shirt is on fire!" Yelled a familiar blonde as I walked into the cortex with my eyes still tired from Bot sleeping much.

"Sorry." said Barry

"I'm glad I decided not to go braless." Felicity added as I set down

"You guys remember Felicity?" Asked Barry

"I will always remember this." said Cisco

"Hey, Felicity, so good to see you. What brings you to the central city?" Asked Caitlin, "not Barry?"

"No, not Barry, this? Not happening, we looked down that road and said no, thank you." Assured her Felicity

"They get it." said Barry

"Actually, I'm here because of this." said Felicity

"Awesome, what are the wings made of?" Asked Cisco

"Bot sure, I'm thinking some sort of composite or high density plastic...."

"Reinforced with carbon fiber. Oh, that's weird. it's almost feels like it's..." Cisco started, "vibrating. " Felicity continued

"Oh, I want to run some tests, and I want to run them now." said Cisco as their footsteps got quieter and quieter

"Hey Caitlin?" I asked, and she moved closer to me.

"Yes? Are you OK? You look tired."

"Thanks, I guess. Do you still have what I gave you when Farooq was here? If you do, would you mind giving it back?" I asked and finally opened my eyes

"Yeah, sure." she took it out of her bag and placed it in my hands, "but if you don't mind me asking, why did you have it in the first place?"

"It was a gift from... A friend." I smiled sadly at the memory as Caitlin updated Barry on the mata-human


We both laid on the floor, looking at the ceiling "look," she said and pointed at the ceiling. "This dirt looks like a heart." I smiled at her
"You are so cheesy." I smiled and pressed my lips to her hand

"I totally forgot." She said and got up."I got you something." She added as she handed me a small package."I heard it's called a gift." She said excitedly as I opened it, inside the box was a small white dagger with little angel wings on the handle "because you are my angel." I smiled at her
"Natalia, this is almost as beautiful as you."
She laughed a bit. "You are such a придурок." I smiled and grabbed her cheek. "I'm your придурок." I said, and she pressed her lips to mine

End of Flashback

My beautiful moment was interrupted by screaming and something hitting the walls.

"That's my bad, that one's on me." said Cisco

"I want that arrow out of my city tonight." said Joe

"Wait, the arrow is here?" I asked, hoping to see Ollie again

"Yeah, you didn't know?" Asked Felicity as I took her to the side

"I need to see Ollie." I told her

"What.. um, what does it have to do with the arrow?" She asked

"I know Ollie is the arrow; I just need to see him again."

I walked with Barry to jitters. "Wait, how do you know Oliver again?" He asked as we got in.

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