37. Dancing in the Dark

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Content Warning and Disclaimer!
Some themes and scenes are intended for older audiences. All characters are aged up to their 20s to better match the tone of the story. Viewer discretion is advised.

The sudden wooden creaking sound prompts her blue eyes to dart towards the door.

"Hey, cous."

Agatha smiles slightly to her cousin to acknowledge his presence, before darting her eyes back to the carpet floor of her room.

Norman stares at his cousin warily and hesitates, before making the decision to sit beside her on the bed.

He notices her fiddling with her fingers nervously before speaking. "You know," he starts, "it's still your decision whether you'd go or not."

"I'll be real with you," Agatha purses her lips and lets out a heavy sigh, "I really want to go there, but what if something happens to me?"

"Neil and I will be there with you, wouldn't we?" Norman places a hand on her shoulder, giving her a smile. "We'll make sure you stay safe, cous."

• • •

Even when they were just approaching, Agatha could hear the loud music from inside the vehicle. She peers to the window, seeing the party lights spastically moving outside its doors, changing color every time it does so.

Norman's car came into a stop, snapping her out of her trance. He looks up to the rearview mirror. "Last chance, cous."

Agatha ponders on Norman's words as she stares at the people dancing and drinking as they please. She clenches her jaw, before opening the car's doors.

"Yeah! You go girl!" Neil cheers from the shotgun seat. Norman gives him a slap to his shoulder, making Neil flinch ever so slightly.

Agatha looks behind her when she hears the car's doors slam shut as the couple walks towards her.

"Last last chance, Aggie," Norman lightly bumps her shoulder with his, while Neil is looking at her with a slight smirk.

"How many last chances do I have?" Agatha says with a small laugh.

"I guess none left sis, 'cause you're getting into it!" Neil sings as he scoots himself in between the cousins, before wrapping each arm around their shoulders, earning a round of giggles.

"Let's goo!!!" Neil yells as he walks towards the entrance doors, lightly pulling the cousins with him.


The beaming lights and the booming sounds people shouting to the music fill Agatha's ears as they enter the bar.

The confidence fades away from her chest as she finds the place to be a frantic frenzy. The lights swivel across the ballroom floor, people dances around with bottles in their hands, some acting more erotic than others.

She gulps down a breath of air as Neil walks them to an empty sofa. "I'll be back with some drinks, alright?" He tells them before walking off towards the bar counter.

Agatha's eyes stuck to the people on the dance floor, feeling Norman's gaze stuck on her.

Agatha's eyes grew wide as Neil arrives to their spot with two buckets with bottles.

"A-are you sure we can finish all of these?" Agatha asks as Neil places the two buckets on their table.

"Hey, it's your first time," Neil teases as he wiggles his eyebrows, with Norman chuckling in the background. "Neil has a point, cous."

"That's too many! I don't want to go home drunk," Agatha says with a laugh.

"But honey," Neil takes a seat beside her, grabbing an opened bottle from the bucket, "that's the goal," he says, before handing over the bottle to her.

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