41. Letters and Lockers

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1. Her First Letter

A piece of blue paper stuck on her locker is the last thing she expects to see in the morning.

Agatha looks to her left and right, seeking out a suspect possibly watching her from a distance that could've been the one who left the paper on her locker.

But all she ever saw was students walking across the crossing hallways, getting to where they needed to go, with none of them acknowledging her presence as usual– everyone seemed to mind their business.

She brings her blue eyes back to the paper on her locker. Agatha reaches for the paper and gives it a little tug, careful not to break it.

When she's certain the paper is loose enough, she plucks it out with a swift flick of her hand.

Its a singular piece of blue paper folded like origami into the shape of a bird, the size being no bigger than her palm. Her perplexed eyes examine the piece of paper in her hand as she drags the tip of her fingers across its edges.

Agatha might've been a little too curious as one of the folds started to slip out of its form. She curses under her breath as her finger pushes the paper back in panic, but the movement only made the paper loosen its shape.

Only then did a little tint of ink on the paper catch her attention.

She stands there for a bit and wonders if ruining a beautifully folded paper bird is truly worth reading ink that might have something written inside.

Agatha blinks, and gently moves the paper wide open.

Her eyes grow wide as she catches a glimpse of what appears to be a squiggly line of words on the paper. Adrenaline took over her mind as she quickly unfolds the origami bird.

As Agatha's eyes met with the letters written by the ink, her heart skips a beat.

"You look very pretty, miss. <3"

She doesn't know anyone who would've call her as "very pretty". The time is not even close to any big events within the school, like a ball or prom of some sort.

The only people she ever knew in her school are her cousin Norman, his best friend Neil and some other acquaintances she talks to once in a blue moon.

Was someone stalking her? Or does she have a secret admirer?

The words echoed in a loop in her mind, igniting an imaginative train of romanticising thoughts. She's not known for adventure, but all she wants now is to find out who wrote the letter for her.

2. His First Encounter

Agatha's locker is one of her favourite places to visit. She never sees the owner of the locker to her right or the locker on her left, so she claims the tiny blank spaces as hers.

She enters her number coding on the lock and opens the locker, hopeful that she can check her schedule for today.

After a few days, she didn't get any origami-shaped letters, as she expected. A small wave of relief crashes onto her, as she didn't need to worry about anything else other than staying out of anyone's business.

"Uh oh, nerd alert," some boyish tone sings from behind her, followed by a round of roaring laughter.

Agatha didn't even flinch once her locker slams shut in front of her face, knowing very well that today is unfortunately her unlucky day.

She straightens up and gives the person a hard-knock glare, letting her eyes speak for themselves.

The boy's tanned figure is joined with a smug look on his face as he runs his fingers through his curly dark brown hair. His other friends, meanwhile, didn't look as decent as he. Pity, his looks didn't match his personality.

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