Chapter 3

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George's POV:

At the end of dinner and dessert, I notice the Beauxbaton girls move in groups as they all rise at the same time, exiting the hall.

Except one.

Y/n stays seated, I watch her from behind as she takes a deep breath, she stands and for the moment I think she's about to just leave when she looks at the Great Hall door but then she pivots and walks over to the Gryffindor.

Since I know and saw how many boys already reacted when they first walked in, I don't want her sitting at the table so I quickly jump from my seat.

I'm on the furthest end of the table so I hop over it, accidentally stepping on Fred's fingers when I do so to meet her in the middle.

" Hi" I breathlessly say.

It's the first time I've seen her in 5 years and she's never looked beautiful, shes grew the tiniest bit, the slightly chubby cheeks have formed into a natural soft but sharp jawline, her large eyes have grew into her face.

" Hi... I just wanted to say hi" she says like she's nervous.

By her one sentence I see she's picked up a slight accent from France. Most people would not pick it up since it's discreet but I cling on to every single one of her words, her voice is like a medicine and she's like a cure to any sadness.

" I noticed you as soon as I saw you, I'm sorry I didn't say hello sooner" she adds on.

I'm think I'm taken away by her beauty that I forgot to speak because when I don't reply, she looks at the ground and is about to walk away.

" wait!" I say manoeuvring in front of her.

" why don't we go to the courtyard? It's quiet out there and we can talk about-" I say but I realise any words I speak will circle back to how she left.

" - about anything" I say causally.

" yeah we can do that" she agrees.

I try not to smile too hard as we walk side by side outside.

" how's George managed to do that?" I hear Ron ask baffled.


When I lead her to the courtyard, I've accidentally led us underneath a certain tree, it's branches are formed and twisted in a heart, I blush at the memory and then I speak up when she notices.

" I didn't mean to do that I was just walking" I confess anxiously.

She laughs at me, " don't mention it" she says, I know we're both thinking of it.

Flashback to first year:

" Wingardium leviosa" I say as I charm y/n's book in her hands.

" hey!" She says as she snatched it back down from the sky just on time.

She then hits me on the shoulder with it as I laugh.

The courtyard is nearly empty, but we are sat underneath a tree, you'd have to walk straight over to see whose sat here so I think that's why y/n doesn't mind sitting in public with me.

" You're not giving me attention" I say to y/n as she turns her back on me and goes back to reading.

" and I've seen you read that book one hundred times already, aren't you bored of it?"

" no!" She says defensively, I jump at the sudden yell.

" it's a brilliant book, and it's sweet and romantic" she says as she pulls it close to her chest.

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