ɴɪɴᴇ- Alora, just Alora.

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Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine.

Alora Riddle never doubted her high pain tolerance. She couldn't imagine how much extra suffering she would induce if it wasn't for that raised threshold. She imagined that she had gained this advantage from her father, a man who must have endured a lot of discomforts to get to where he was.

But either way, she was thankful for it.

The feeling of flaming hot white knives slashing her body from an internal viewpoint caused her pain receptors to almost give way. It happened so frequently that she had almost grown used to the freshly pierced feeling.

However, every moment she believed that; the pain throbbed to a point of her whole body swelling in an exhausted tide of nausea.

You see, Alora had been a victim of the cruciatus curse for a very long time. Longer than she could remember.

After having an unforgivable curse used against her for so long, it seemed like it was almost normalised. As normalised as the prejudice that swarmed the fabrication of the walls. Whether it was against house-elves, muggles or even their own purebloods; Lucius was no stranger to manipulating crime to receive his way.

This meant that if anyone in the house had ever seen Alora struggling, they had been forced to turn a blind eye. For the sheer terror of their protection. Except for one. Someone cared so deeply about Alora that they were willing to sacrifice themselves for her wellbeing.

Tinkle was very preoccupied with the transportation of Alora. From the basement to the room she knew Alora stayed in, the little elf gripped onto the flimsy body of Alora and disapparated her to the bed.

It had become a way for the elf to bond with her master, despite Alora not being able to talk in her slightly weakened state. It built an invisible wall of trust between them, which was strange because Alora wasn't one to trust.

The constant harassment Alora endured meant that she grew strangely comfortable with the idea of pain. Like her body was sent into a long-lasting chain of numbness.

The concept of pain could have been a mere belief she invented within her imagination, for all she knew. A silly little idea that pricked into her brain, distracting her from the true problems of the world. Alora felt like she needed to be a part of this destruction, not be shipped away to the middle of who knows where with a boy she barely knew.

She was destined to be a part of the action and sending her away, diverted the purpose she served.

She supposed that going away for a while would be... nice though. It wasn't much of an appealing idea, but then again, it wouldn't hurt to distance herself from Lucius and the unnecessary stress he causes.

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