chapter 2: Crushed

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As the boulder came crashing down the volcano, it smashed my mother, killing her. "Mom! No!" I screamed as I ran over to the boulder to try to lift it up. I could only roll it over a smidge and could barely see part of her flattened body under it, with blood seeping out of it. I screamed in horror at what I saw.
  I had to leave because lava was flowing toward me that would have killed me if I stayed. "Keratin, where are you?" My father called as I ran through the crowd of swarming dragons to get to him. I thought about what happened to my mom, reminding me of the time I grew the only plant on the island and accidently crushed it with my talons. All the dragons swarmed through the tunnel to the Rain Kingdom. I met up with my father, Fracture, and we ran into the pitch black tunnel.

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