chapter 11: trap

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After lunch, we walked back to the winglet. After everyone went in, I heard wailing coming from down a tunnel. When I went down there, there I saw a fox in a trap and heard a woman's voice saying, "Stop struggling," and the trap was pulled back into another cave by a chain
"I have to tell the leaders," I thought out loud. So I ran as quick as I could down the tunnel to tell them, when I was in front of my winglet Firefly stopped me.
"Where were you, keratin." She said
"Sorry, I have to go right now." I said hurriedly. I went to the healer room to tell clay.
"Mr. Clay, " I said once I was in the healers room.
"Yes, keratin," He said confusedlly.
"I went down a tunnel and saw a fox in a trap, and then it was pulled away."
"Which tunnel?" He said worriedly
"The one that goes past my winglet into a medium-sized cave." I said. He hurried down there with me, but there was nothing in the cave.
"The trap was right here just a minute ago." I said
"Probably just a trick of the eye." He said. Then I started walking back to the winglet. I met up with Firefly, and she said, "Where we're you?""
"I was down in another cave. There was a fox in a trap." I said.
"Why would there be a fox in a cave? They live in burrows, not caves." She said sternly.

If you read book 5 of wof, you know who this fox is, and thanks for 110 reads.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18 ⏰

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