Chapter 17: In The Name of The Brother

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At the hospital, the voice over the intercom announced the arrival of the accident victims. Alone in another room, Dr. Whale listened to the announcements as he drank. Outside the door, several other hospital workers could be heard.

"Anybody seen the doctor?" A man's voice asked.

"Dr. Whale, we need you in the ER!" A woman alerted.

"OR staff stand-by. OR staff stand-by." Another voice added.

Dr. Whale refused to budge from his seat as he began to look very deep in thought about something. Sirens blared as the outsider from Pennyslvania was wheeled in on a stretcher while Mary Margaret tried to calm a frantic Belle.

"I don't know what is going on!" Belle panicked in distress.

"Car vs pedestrian. Chest trauma from the wheel," A paramedic alerted a nurse who was there. "Pedestrian has contusions, broken ribs."

"Go to X-Ray, pedestrian first." The nurse suggested.

Emma soon pointed at Hook who was shown being wheeled in second as everyone else, including Ruby, Leroy, and Nova trailed from behind. "Hide him." she then suggested about the adult pirate.

Belle was being led to another room by a different nurse.

"What?" The nurse then asked the blonde woman.

"Find a room and hide him." Emma replied.

Rumple soon walked into the hospital entrance along with Ben, Jay, and Carlos. "Belle. What is going on?" he asked cautiously as he parted from the teenage boys.

"Get him out of here!" David suddenly shouted before blocking Rumple's way.

"What's happening? Belle!" Rumple cried out.

"I'd like to know that myself!" Leroy added, sounding grumpier than usual.

Soon, two staff orderlies approached closely from behind.

"Belle! Belle!" Rumple cried out in concern while everyone else watched on in slight horror.

"Mom..." Ben whispered and frowned in concern while Jay and Carlos frowned at what they saw with their friend.

"Everybody, calm down!" Dr. Whale called out as he soon finally joined everyone before he noticed a certain someone in the room. "Mr. Gold. Everything will be fine. She's in good hands here. I promise." he then reassured the anxious man, putting his hand on his shoulder.

Rumple looked a little unsure about that. Soon, right now, all anyone could do was wait, especially the teenagers who were there. Mal began to look a little more distant than usual, especially when she noticed Emma and decided she would try to confront the woman when she would get the chance.

"It's gonna be okay, Dad," Ben said softly. "Just go in there and see Mom. You can just say hi or maybe talk to her about what happened."

"She won't remember, Benjamin," Rumple told his teenage son rather gravely. "She crossed the town line and she wasn't protected like I was."

"Well, you can try to explain to her maybe?" Ben suggested.

"I don't know... But either way, I should see her." Rumple said softly.

"That's the spirit," Ben smiled softly. "And I'll even help take care of her like Doug used to do for his mother during The Dark Curse."

"That's very kind and responsible of you," Rumple nodded. "Thank you."

"I was raised by the best of the best after all." Ben replied warmly.

Rumple chuckled lightly as he soon took a deep breath and went to go into the room where Belle was sent after being checked into the hospital and looked over by Dr. Whale and the nurses. Belle was lying down quietly in her new bed, wearing a gown as yellow as gold which was rather symbolic given her relationship with the Gold family in Storybrooke as she was Ben's mother after all. Seeing that Belle was asleep, Rumple soon leaned in and attempted to kiss his lost love. Belle soon woke up after the kiss, much like Snow White waking up from Prince Charming's literal kiss of life... However, things did not go as well as Ben or Rumple hoped or planned. Belle spotted the man in her room and suddenly erupted into shrieking out of fear and even tried to push him away from her.

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