𝟑𝟑. Vindictive

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Snape's P.O.V-

I'm certain that Pomona Sprout's morning cheer can only contribute to my eventual loss of all sense and reason. I by no means struggle to get up in the morning as some people do but the woman's warm smiles and friendly chatter are the last things I want at seven AM.

She had been rattling on about how her Venomous Tentacula had been growing especially well this year for the last ten minutes and I had ceased listening for at least the last six. I'm not even certain she cares if I'm listening so long as she gets to say it and unfortunately for myself, we're the first two teachers to arrive for breakfast thus far. Frustrating woman. At least until ten AM.

I focused on my food, nodding and humming in agreement every so often. Being still rather early, only a handful of students had started to filter in. This was the quietest it would be all breakfast and I generally endeavoured to leave before too much time had passed.

"Good morning." Minerva greeted as she sat to the other side of me.

"Morning." I replied.

"Oh, good morning there Minerva." Pomona smiled brightly. "You know, you should come and visit Green House Three when you get the chance. The Venomous Tentacula has been growing particularly-"

"Please, Pomona." Minerva signed. "Not before I've had my tea. You can tell me as much about your plants as you like, but please, tea first."

I hid my smirk behind my goblet.

Pomona was hardly offended by the blunt refusal. She just nodded and passed the teapot down. Damn, that morning cheer of hers.

We ate in silence for several peaceful minutes and I'm more than painfully aware that these may just be the only peaceful minutes of my day.

Rolanda arrived at the table not long after, yellow hawk eyes still dull with sleep. As peppy as she might have been on the Quidditch pitch, she was little more than the walking dead this early in the morning. She sat down at the other end of the staff table, as far from us as possible. It was for the best. She wouldn't be fit for civilised conversation for at least another hour.

Then my relative peace was snatched away from me when Minerva set down her half-empty cup of tea and said;

"Alright, Pomona. What was it you were saying about the Venomous Tentacula?"

I shot her a look from the corner of my eye but if she noticed she didn't say such. And thus I tuned out once again.

I was near finished with my breakfast several minutes later when Filius arrived, taking the seat beside Minerva.

"Good morning all." He said, reaching for the teapot.

"Good morning." Pomona was all smiles once again. "You know, I was just telling Minerva-

"The Venomous Tentacula is growing well." Minerva herself cut in. "Very well. In fact, it's growing so well that we should all hear about it three times before first period."

"Oh. Oh, I'm sorry." Pomona laughed good-humouredly. "I get the message loud and clear. Forgive me, but I'm just so proud of them!"

"We know." I couldn't help but say.

"Sorry, sorry." She apologised again, not seeming apologetic in the least. "I'll save it for dinner."

I shared a look of horror with Minerva and Filius and decided to have dinner in my office tonight.

"I should give fair warning," Filius lowered his voice although the students wouldn't have heard over their own racket. "That woman is on the warpath today. I passed her and Charity on the second floor. Something about how the Muggle Studies class environment is too disorderly."

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