42 9 3

Genre: fanfiction
Author: kudowatsonranran
Chapters read: five (6 to 10)
Trigger warnings: none so far

A mini review
Star rating: 🌟🌟🌟


What do you think of a six years old child?

Risa's summary: there's more to Ranran than meets the eye.
When peace slithers away from the district of Beika, and a criminal sits on the throne of justice, death becomes an unwelcome guest only the fearless can throw out.
To Ranran, a nameless criminal is the bullseye, and there's no stopping until she hits it.

A promising book is worth a second chance.

My first encounter with this book was not pleasant. But this time around, I had a much better experience!

With regard to grammar, I noticed significant improvement. Although, there were still glaring errors. These can be quickly adjusted, though, with more thorough edit. A good writer might want to learn to embrace the art of editing, however tedious it may be.

I'd suggest that Ranran's character be mildly adjusted. I get that she's pretty much not the usual child, but she just comes off as incredibly mature! I just can not imagine her as a 6 years old child. To me, that was enough to give the story a very unrealistic feel. A child can be portrayed as an old soul without actually taking out the child in them... If that makes sense.

As mentioned in my first mini review of this book, I like this book's cover. However, its summary needs work, in my opinion.

Tantei Association is an original take on themes of justice, bravery, and the extraordinary. I'd recommend this to anyone who'd fancy a read with subtle mysteries and a unique main character.

🌼 Risa Quill 🖋️

kudowatsonranran, please let me know what you think of this mini review.

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