51 11 5

Genre: mystery
Author: ScribbleYourThoughts
Chapters read: five
Trigger warnings: none so far

A mini review
Star rating: 🌟🌟🌟🌟


Three. Two. One.

Risa's summary: the task is simple: invade ACE, rescue hostages, retrieve the lethal chemical weapon -- VX.
The task is not simple; lives are at stake.
How elusive is Agent X?
He'll need every trick beneath his sleeves to complete this mission; his life hangs on a fine thread.

I will call this writer a savvy planter.

I loved how they planted fine details throughout each chapter I read. Each detail entwined remarkably with the next, producing chapters enriched with cause, effect, and intrigue. That said, I must commend their descriptive skills. Impressive.

Grammar was also rich. However, there were errors spritzed throughout the book, the most common seemed to be: missing punctuations. All can easily be fixed by good editing, though.

I enjoyed every moment with the book's well-rounded characters. Agent X is a perplexity. And I was without a doubt drawn to his mannerisms: the way he'd perch on the edge of whatever he sat on, the way he'd graze the earlobe sporting an earring. I felt compelled to dig further, the mission aside, what story is this man keeping from me? And of course, there was Hacker, the intuitive drama queen. They made such an interesting pair!

One's enjoyment of the book may greatly depend on how much they fancy the spy/tech world, I found this one to be my cup of tea.

I kept trying to wrap my head around something, though. How realistic was it that X managed to install those micro cameras in primary areas of the coffee shop without obstructions, however wretched the security system must have been?

I found the book's cover fairish, the book's summary I found crisp and captivating.

Agent X is brilliant piece sure to pull you into a world of spies, secrecy, and adventure. I'd absolutely recommend this to anyone who'd love a fascinating adventure, and of course, maybe a tempting spy game.

🌼 Risa Quill 🖋️

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