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Genre: fantasy
Author: summerwitch_
Chapters read: five
Trigger warnings: none so far

A mini review
Star rating: 🌟🌟🌟


Death’s own tune.

Risa's summary: just one thing stands between Aster and her desires: a feather.
Hold on, the situation is not as light as it seems.
Aster is pushed into a strange world where she would have to make sacrifices for her dreams.
It’s clear that Aster must discover parts of her she never knew existed.
A ballerina’s world clashes with a warrior’s, and now, Aster must do everything within her power to silence the deadly tune.

Did I enjoy this story? Absolutely.
The evening I read this book, I kept thinking: how’d this author come up with such a brilliant clash?

However, before I really got into the story, my brain got twisted a bit by confusion.

If for any reason a writer wants to confuse their reader, the beginning is certainly not the place where it should happen.
I didn’t want to, but I had to read the first chapter over again, just to make sure I wasn’t mixing up characters. There were several vague descriptions and statements. My suggestion: restructure sentences, or even better, the entire chapter for more clarity.

Aster was a sympathetic character, the author did a good job at making it quite easy to relate to her situation. I loved her determination, resilience, and clear desires. The concept of a parallel world was particularly intriguing.

The story was told using the omniscient narrative, however, it seemed the events were recorded in a biased manner, especially the early parts; one would think it focused mainly on Aster’s perspective.
In my opinion, an omniscient narrative should be impartial, or at least, fair enough.

Grammar was very impressive! A good edit would quickly fix it's errors. I found the book’s cover eye-catching, its summary I found inviting but quite lengthy — I still have a thing for short blurbs.

Lullaby of Death is an intriguing read with a good dose of originality. I’d absolutely recommend this to anyone who’s a fan of extraordinary worlds, new beginnings, and a main character that’s ready to go for what they desire.

🌼 Risa Quill 🖋️

summerwitch_, please let me know what you think of this mini review.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2022 ⏰

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