Chapter 1 (Fort Fall)

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"HIS HERE!! Ready the troops! Prepare the defenses! Shield the doors now!" A tall, lean covered with full black amor from head to toe, barked while the others were on their feet and rushing towards their stations and did what they were told. It was dark with only fire touches to give out bright orange light and placed on the walls of the fortress, but it was not quiet, the air thick with fear and adrenaline from the rushing men. They were Guardians! They fear no man and wouldn't die without a fight! But tonite might be a hard battle.

Just above the horizon, an armadas of ships cuts through the ocean waves with a crash. Large ships filled with dozens of men in full set of iron amor, weapons and siege machines. It wasn't going to be a fair fight, with how many men they have but 1 guardian is equal too 10 men. They just have too give it their all to their last dying breath.

"We are gonna fall sir! Our troops are out numbered and our defenses are far too old to handle their type of fire power!" A Guardian trooper fearfully exclaim after examine there enemies ships. "And we aren't expecting any reinforcement until the next moon!"

The captain of the Guardians growls, blood boiling in his veins, they were not many Guardians left and most of them were assembled here and just a small hand full are out there wondering the earth. They have swore to protect the 'stone of destruction', within the wrong hands it can be use to designate armies and conquer kingdoms, bringing them to their knees.

"We don't have any mages as well! They would have provided us with magic protections from the their catapults and cannon fires." The captain recalled, he was tall and lean just like the rest of the Guardians, he was also covered with their signature black amor that was incanted with mage magic.

"Looks like we have to face them ourselves- LOOK OUT!" He lunch himself towards his captain in order to save him and himself from a flaming boulder shot by a catapult, It was followed by serval more which destroyed most of their archer towers and their own catapults and injuring some men. They fired back with they remaining catapults, but it only scratching the enemies

It was not to long before their enemy sail to shore with their small boats along with their leader, the mad man himself Drago Blodvist, his a rich warlord and have a conquest to take over the world, he was known for his vast business that earn him his riches and nothing says that money is more powerful, he bought armies with it along with thousands and thousands of ships.

He was a tall and buff man, his face from forehead to chin screams confidence and a oddly savage expression, always wicked painted with all the deeds he did to able himself in such position of power. His black long dreadlocks that has gold to tie it and the most that stands out is his amputated right arm which has a iron arm prosthetic in its place, he have lost his right arm in a very young age as punishment for stealing. It is when the time he had nothing, nothing to gain and nothing fear to lose. Disown and sold to be a slave by his own poor parents who he later on kill in his rise of power along with everyone else in his way or whomever that doubted him. For he had a destiny to follow that was set up by himself and he will do anything in his power to achieve it and getting blood on his hands was the easy part of it all.

His followers were nothing but loyal to him, they all believe him to be the one true ruler of the world and they would died on his command. See to it that he was the at most victor of the battle but at the end of the day, their no mere slaves following blindly towards their death lead by a madman. They almost pity those fools, but they lay that thought to rest as they have chosen their path, and there's as well.

"The great guardian, such weaklings! Men destroy them and bring me the Sun stone!" Drago spat while his men all charge towards the stronghold with pure intention to spill guardian blood.

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