Chapter 6 (Journey Begins)

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"Let me introduces you both to Ruffnut and Tuffnut. The pain in the ass twins" Hiccup said while rolling his eyes at their common antics and tomfoolery. The two royals stared at the two fighting siblings in shock, it was a sight to behold that's for sure because even if the two sisters were mad at each other they wouldn't get physical but this just takes it to a whole another level.

Hiccup cleared his throat loudly, trying to gain the twins attention but to no avail. Hiccup let out a sigh and pinch the bridge of his nose in annoyance, a minor headache also starting to form in his head as well. He needed to stop this, the sooner he does, the sooner he gets to rest and he already has an idea how.

"I can't believe I'm gonna say this" he mutter softly under his breath before turning his attention back at the two muttonhead "Tuffnut! Chicken is in danger!" the brown haired man yelled and immediately the male twin spring up from the ground after pushing his sister off of him.

"Chicken?! Hold on my love! I'm coming to save you!" he was about to run off to wherever he thought his beloved chicken would be but he was caught by two strong arms owned by the rugged mercenary. The blonde male fought against Hiccup's grip, he seems to always forget how strong the lanky man is who is currently in his arms. "Unhand me you crook! You do not wish to be at the receiving end of my raft!" He threatened the mercenary who rolled his green eyes at his manifesto. Did this idiot not recognised him, he wasn't even wearing his helmet, his face was fully displayed, he must been drunk.

Hiccup was about to speck up but the female twin beat him to it "Oi! That man is no stranger, it's Hiccup!" she yelled for her idoit brother to hear. The male twins eyes instantly change shade, from dark to bright in a matter of seconds, and a large smile stretch his face.

"H! Boy it's good to see you again, aye?" he said, his face soon twisted in horror once again "chicken! Hiccup you must help! I heard that she in grave danger!"

"slow down Tuff-chicken in not in danger" He reason with the pet chicken owner who look at his mercenary friend as if he hand grown a second head. Hiccup growl "I made that up. Chicken safe-it was just to get your attention." he explained the now relieved twin.

"Oh-thank Loki!" Tuffnut prayed.

The two royalty on the other hand felt like they were left in the dust. Clueless as to what's going on in front of them. The twins understand them perfectly but yet it's feel so foreign. Elsa was a Queen for gods sake and yet she didn't feel like she stand out from the the crowd of commoners. The jewellery around her neck was the only thing that grabs some attention but that's about it. Where was the respect she deserves, where was the spotlight. It wasn't because she was titled to it but just rather odd, back at the castle, she was always everyone propriety and here, they wouldn't even bat her an eye. It felt great in her honest opinion.

Even as she enjoy not being the centre of attention, she still needs to properly introduce herself to her new acquaintances. It was the least formality she could maintain. Elsa walked up the trio whom they were busy chatting, Anna following her older sisters behind. Head up, back staright, she looked at them with a gaze that can be simply described in two words, elegant and graceful. She cleared her throat in a soft manner which successful got their heads turning to face her.

"Fuck..." Hiccup cursed under his breath, how could he have forgotten about the two royalties accompanying him, how foolish can he be "Guys this is Queen Elsa of Arendalle and her sister, Princess Anna" The mercenary introduced the siblings to the other siblings in a low voice as to not attract unwanted attention.

"The Queen and Princess of Arendalle?!" Ruffnut whispered yelled in shock, her brother to mirrored her expression. They both gave a short bow out of respect but then they both looked uo in confusion

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