Chapter 15

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The Inn keeper looked at the odd bunch with skepticism, there was a set of twins who seems to be unable to stop punching each other, a husky big fellow who was looking so nervous that he was about to throw up. A brunette carrying a high end bow all covered in dirt, a pale elegant woman who as well appeared to have seen better days. Lastly a tall man with brown messy hair looking all serious and covered in dirt and sweat along with cheap old armor.

The old Inn keeper was rather amsued at the sight that she see infornt of her. She wore normal clothing, a simple brown tunic and a long skirt. She puts up a smile, as genuine as hard as she can as it is quite difficult to rather not be fake with them.

"Greetings travellers! You bunch sure don't look like yer from around here" she greeted them, once again with a cheery smile.

"ah yes, we aren't from around here, travelling here just for a while to get by so do you happen to have any rooms available?" Elsa repiled very politely which causes the Inn keeper to raise her eye browns.

"she is far to polite for a common girl" the Inn keeper thought to herself but never the less she shrugs it off but still she was rather suspicious but Hiccup jump quickly to defend

"My wife... Yes, my wife. She was raise in a very strict household. She would be punished if she speaks out of tone so this is rather a habit of hers, pay no mind to it" he says while one of his arms hang loosely over her shoulder comfortably and assuringly while Elsa blush red when she had heard him announce that she was his wife. If she was a wife of a common man, they will never suspect her to be of royal. She needs to play along to keep their identity a secret plus she had no other choice to anyways

"yes, my love is right" she smile sadly, before gracing her fingers over his cheep leather armor in a rather loving manner which shock the others including Hiccup as well but he power through her act "a bad habit it is but I'm trying my best to atleast be good at casual talks... I usually don't have the best of luck when it comes to that"

"I-I see. So rooms... I'm guessing the lovely couple would share a room, while then the two women and the two men will get their own shared rooms as well." she called out with a rather cheeky smile. Hiccup and Else eyes were wide at the look Inn keeper was giving them. Had she look through their little lies? Where that easily read? They hope not but played along with the senorio and pay generously for their rooms.

Once the odd bunch leaves, she immediately drop her smile and turn to call one of her employee over. "gather the men, we might be able to earn ourselves some good money" she ended cheeky to which the bold and scared man nodded before rushing off.

Hiccup crash down onto the bed with a soft thug. It was way more comfortable that he initially thought the bed would feel but hell he wasn't gonna complain about the good fortune. Elsa on the other hand was feeling a bit uneasy, stiff to be accurate. It wasn't the comfortability of the beds, no it was the fact that she was alone in a room with a man she hardly knew. A strong man in fact, someone who could easy over power her dispite her super natural ablilites.

She took a deep breath and but on a fake smile. "Calm down now" she thought to herself, mentally preparing and trying to lower her unnecessary anxiety for times like these. She didn't want Hiccup too feel untrustworthy but little did she know it was a bit to late for that as Hiccup, not as dense as she may think he looks, had already picked up that atmosphere from a mile away.

He cleared his throat, pitying her face that twist and turns as her consciousness and her mind was having a civil war. She snap out of her day dreams and gave the mercenary a apologetic smile, one that was also filled with gulit as well. To which Hiccup simple brush it off, no apology was needed he understands.

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