Chapter 2

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Caroline arrived at the airport at 3 in the morning. All she had was he little pink suitcase and a little Teddy bear she got when she was born from her daddy. Her real daddy.

She went to the her friend who was a pilot and was flying the plane Caroline was going to be flying in. His name was Ed.

"Alright Caroline this way" He lead her to a plane to the United States and put her in a seat.

"Thank you for everything Ed" She said as he put her suitcase under her seat and made sure she was ready.

"Of course Caroline" He smiled and went to the front of the plane.

Caroline was in the seat by the window in first class. He was clinging to her Teddy bear as she watched the plane take off.

As they were flying Air Force One flew past them.

"Wow what a plane" Caroline said. Everyone else noticed and started talking about it.

"Oh the American president is so handsome" A lady behind Caroline said.

'I wonder what he looks like' Caroline thought, 'His wife and kids must be lucky'

Air Force One

"Hey John look we're racing another plane" 4 year old Patrick yelled at his 6 year old older brother

"Patrick" John looked at him and then ran to him "Who's winning?" He asked

"We are just by a little" Patrick smiled

Just then their father came out, "What are you two doing?" He asked chuckling and smiled at his boys.

"We were just watching which plane is faster. Ours or that plane" John explained

"Oh you two" He hovered over them looking out at the other plane.

"I feel like our sister is on that plane" Patrick said

"Patrick it was just a dream" Jack explained as he picked him up

"Yeah if we had a sister Patrick daddy would have told us, right daddy?"

Jack just sat there with Patrick in his lap.

"Of course John" Jack looked out the window

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