Chapter 8

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Jack was packing his bag when Caroline came in.

"Daddy you can't leave" Caroline said grabbing his leg

"I'm sorry buttons but I can't stay here, your mother loves someone else"

"NO SHE DOESN'T!!!" Caroline screamed

"Caroline there is no screaming in a house" Jack said correcting her

"I don't care if that means I have to get a point across to you" Caroline continued

Jack just shook his head and finished up packing. He then zipped up his suitcase as a tear left his eye. He walked over to Caroline who was clutching her bear. He kissed her head.

"I love you buttons. I will forever love you."

He then went over to Patrick and John and gave them a kiss because they would be staying there for a another day so they could spend one more day with Caroline for who know how long till they would see her again. Jack couldn't even stay one more day seeing his Jackie love someone else.

Jackie saw Jack leave and she ran after him.

"JACK, JACK STOP" She cried but Jack didn't say anything.

He then stopped and ran to Jackie and shoved her against the closest wall and started kissing her all over her face, neck, and lips. Jackie was in a dream world till Jack pulled away and she begged for him to continue but all he said was...

"I love you and always will. Goodbye forever my love"

He then got in the car and drove to the airport where Air Force One was waiting for him.

The minute he pulled his lips away and the moment he left Jackie knew where her heart belonged and it wasn't here.

Truman Balcony, White House

Jack was standing on the balcony with a picture of his family the year before they were split. He just kept looking at what there was and how if it wasn't for him he there would still be this. He looked one last time around and saw where he left a letter to Jackie on the table.

"Like she'll ever read it. I just hope John or Patrick will"

He sighed and kissed the picture. He then climbed over the railing and hung over the side of the balcony.

He looked over at the picture in his hands one last time.

"I loved you all. This is all my fault." He then let go.

The last thing he saw was the eyes of his family in the picture looking at him before everything turned black.

Authors Note

Ohhhh surprise twist.😉

Sorry I haven't been updating so much. I've had cheer at 7 in the morning on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday for all of June and my brother graduated from high school on the 6th so yeah.

I'll try to update as much as I can but I've got a cheer camp next week and a choir camp July 7-10.

But I love you all for sticking with me and new chapters will be up soon.


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