Part 14

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Jackie was sitting on the bed and was rubbing her stomach

"So is the baby kicking a lot?" Jack asked getting up to take off his clothes

"Yes" Jackie said getting up an wrapping her arms around him

"Jackie what are you doing?"

"Well so you know how I've been craving stuff lately"


"Well you know I've been craving you"

"Are you sure Jackie"

"Yeah I've been craving you for a while"

"Well then"

Jack then pushed Jackie on the bed and made passionate love to her


Sorry for the shortness but I had to add one last chapter in 2015. Also literally this time last year I updated a chapter in 2014 at 10:10


2015 was a good year let's make 2016 even better

It's currently 10:24 and I hope you enjoyed

My brother graduated this year and turned 19 and I turned 16 so this year was a big year, next year isn't that big but I'll still make it big.

Goodbye 2015 we'll miss you

I miss you, I miss youDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora