Chapter 15

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The Oval Office
It was into Jackie's 6 months of being pregnant and Jack was in the Oval Office doing some paper work when he got a call on his phone.

"Mr. President someone is here to see you" Mrs. Lincoln said

"Send him/her in" hoping it was Jackie, Jack fixed op his tie just in case it was her and to make sure he looked nice for Jackie.

Buts unfortunately it was not Jackie, quite the opposite actually

"Marilyn!!!!!" Jack said shocked

"Awww Jack it's nice to see you. Did you dress up for me, I know how much you like me" Marilyn said sneakily

"Ummm no Marilyn but thanks I have a girlfriend and three children and I love them to pieces" Jack said looking at a picture of his family that they took when they visited his family in Hyannis port. While looking jack felt the box that had been in his pocket for a while now. He just had the wait for the perfect time.

"Awww but baby remember that night we had a few months ago. Man that was wonderful." Marilyn said dreamily falling on the couch.


"Ahhh to bad you say that Bunny"


"Well better get use to it because we will be tight her for a long time Jack," Marilyn said getting on his lap while Jack then pushed her off his lap and she then sat on his desk know she wasn't going to go anywhere with it

"Why?" Jack asked his heart beating faster by the minute with nerves

"I've got a secret to tell you" she whispered to him.

"Just tell me Marilyn!" Jack forced out

"I'm pregnant Jack and it's yours"


Guys where do I begin......

First I'm such a horrible person. I've let you guys waiting for a year twice now. I'm so sorry I will promise to upload as much as possible to make up for it. Probable not right away because we had a snow day on one of our finals day because our busses wouldn't start so my first two days back is review and taking the finals for the ones we missed and my fist day of school is Thursday the 5th. It's suppose robbery three but my last one is a study hall so yeah I'll try to update then.

So what happened.......

Well there was so much that happened this year I can't even list it out it would be longer than the chapter itself but let's give an update about me.

- I'm a junior in high school (Go class of 2k18 and purple)
- I'm taking three AP classes and 2 honors classes and two regular classes
- I turned 17 this year
- I went to the winter classic alumni game today for hokey (which was very entertaining by the way)
- I'm going to the winter classic on the 2nd of January
- and yeah i could go on and on but you get the gist (have any questions just dm me)

Well is officially 11:45 pm central time on 12/31/2016. I can't believe 2016 is over, ten years just keep flying by faster and faster.

We'll see you next year ya'll and I will update tomorrow 1/1/17 for a New Year's Day present (based on my time which is central time on the U.S.).

Love you all let's enjoy the last few minutes of 2016 and happy New Years to every one else where it is 2017

Goodbye 2016 we love you and will never forget you, LETS BRING ON 2017!!!🎊🎉🎊🎉

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2017 ⏰

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