Chapter 13

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Jackie jolted awake and screamed

"Jackie kid wake up" Jack said as he gently shook her and looked into her eyes

"Wait what.......I was dreaming?"

"Yeah you stared screaming and moving all over the place"

"Oh My thank go I thought I lost you" Jackie said as she as she stared crying

"What are you talking about I would never leave you"

Jackie then explained everything that had happened in her dream

"Oh Jackie I would never leave you ever"

"I know you wouldn't but it was so real and I got very scared" Jackie scooted over into Jacks arms and felt so safe in them

"How's the baby?" Jack asked as he rubbed Jackie's enlarged 9 month belly

"Baby Patrick is doing just fine"

"That's good I'm glad you and the baby are fine, I can't imagine if anything happened to you"

"Nothing will happen to us, us and the kids will never leave you ever, We'd miss you to much" 

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