Chapter 9

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The White House

Jackie had arrived at the White House after dropping the kids off at Hyannis, and ran inside. Everyone was staring at her. Bobby had one of the worst looks.

She went to Mrs. Lincoln who was one of the only person to not give Jackie a look. Jackie asked her if she had seen Jack.

"No I'm sorry Mrs. Ken...I mean Mrs. Bouvier....soon to be Onassis..."

"It's ok Mrs. Lincoln just do you know where I could find him"

"No I'm sorry ma'am none of us has seen the president all day"

"Oh ok thank you"

She walked all over the White House and went to the residence and she found the letter.

The end of the letter read

I don't deserve to life. If a stranger is reading this tell my Jackie I love her and always will.

Jackie if you are actually reading this I love you. I will always love you. You deserve happiness more than I can give you ever.


"NO!!!!!" Jackie screamed. She threw down the letter and ran around everywhere. She went out the the balcony and found her bunny.

"JACK!!!!" She ran through the White House and down to her bunny

"No please Jack...." She cried, she turned her head and found the picture.

She looked back at him.

"Oh Jack I love you I'm sorry I never realized that earlier. Please come back to me" She cried and put her head on his chest and just cried. She brought her head up with tears in her eyes

"Bunny" She said, she then kissed his lips that she always loved. A tear fell down her cheek and landed on his while she kissed him. She put her head back on his chest. Then she heard a voice.


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