Sleep Talk

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Grover had first noticed the sleep-talk conversations that went on between Percy and Annabeth when they were on their way back from the sea of monsters.

At that time, it could've been considered sleep bickering, or as he preferred to call it, flirting. If it wasn't clear that they were made for each other already, it was then.

Most people talk in their sleep about their dreams, or they mumble random words.

But those two, gods, they would have full on conversations with each other.

"Percy... you're annoying." That was Annabeth. Grover perked up at the sound of her voice, hoping she was now awake, but when he looked over, she was still asleep. Percy had his head rested on her back, the Golden Fleece in between them. It was slowly healing them, as he could see some of their wounds disappearing from their skin.

"I'm not annoying..." Percy says slowly. He also remained asleep. Grover chuckled.

"You smell like dead fish."

"That's not me."

"Mm...yes it is."

"We're on an ocean..."

"Don't make excuses."

Grover couldn't help but laugh at their interactions. He wished he had a camera to record it. Moments of silence continue, and then Percy mumbled something.

"Hmm?" Asks Annabeth.

"How are you-" deep breath-"feeling, Wise Girl?"

"... Fine."

They have random conversations until they wake up from their slumber. Some of them, Grover couldn't make out. They were too mumbled, but they seemed to know what the other person was saying.

Of course, Grover had told Sally about it, but she didn't actually get to see it for herself until about a year later. Annabeth and Thalia were staying over at the Jackson's apartments for the night, taking Percy's room while he was moved to the couch. He didn't care much, he's slept in worse places before. He only argued because he didn't want to agree with Thalia about anything.

So, when Sally was walking to her room and she heard Percy mumbling in his sleep, she smiled and listened in. It would only be for a few moments. She loved to listen to what Percy had to say in his random spiel of things.

"I want a dog... I'm going to get a dog... shut up, yes I am... but why not?.. they're cute and friendly... okay, maybe most hellhounds aren't, but that's different... I am to responsible enough!" Sally laughed at Percy and ruffles his hair.

She turned around as she heard the click of the door.

"Sorry, can't sleep," Thalia whispered as she exited Percy's room. "Annabeth's mumbling about not getting a dog. She's arguing with someone in a dream or something."

Sally turned to Percy with a raised eyebrow. "You're really arguing with her in your sleep?" She whispered.

"What?" Thalia asked, confused at what Sally was talking about.

"Percy was talking about getting a dog in his sleep. She's arguing with Percy. In their sleep. In separate rooms, unable to hear each other." Thalia laughed.

"Oh gods. They never shut up, do they?"

"They're constantly bickering."

"They just need to date or something. They already act like an old married couple."

Percy interrupted their conversation by mumbling in his sleep, "I'm not getting a pink poodle."

Thalia and Sally started laughing even harder.

When Malcolm woke to his sister talking in her sleep in the Athena Cabin, he smiled. He knew Percy and her had these sleep-talk conversations mostly every night, whether they were together at camp, or separated with miles in between.

"I miss you," she whispered into the dark. "You'll be here soon, right?"

Moments of silence continue as she waits for an answer. Then, finally, she speaks again, "We need you for this war, Percy. I can't do it without you." Even in her sleep, her voice is a strangled sob.

"Be safe. Stay out of trouble." She smiled a little in her sleep and Malcolm couldn't help but smile with her.

His sister was happy. She deserved it.

At this point, Sally had experienced many of Percy and Annabeth's wild sleep conversations. They always managed to bring a smile to her face. She didn't expect one tonight, with Percy missing and Annabeth devastated over it. She wasn't sure if he would even respond from wherever he was. She prayed to all the gods that he would, because that would mean that he was okay. It would also make Annabeth happy. She needed a little joy in her life.

Sally held Annabeth as she cried. Sobs shook Annabeth's whole body, bringing tears to Sally's own eyes to see her like this.

"I miss him, Sally. I miss him so much." She sobs some more.

"I do too, Sweetie. But he's tough, he'll be okay." Sally wasn't sure how much she believed the words herself, but she had to try to, for Annabeth's sake. Sally continued to hold Annabeth as she fell asleep, exhausted from crying. Shortly after, the talking began again.

"I'll find you, Seaweed Brain," She mumbled. Sally watched as a frown formed on Annabeth's face.

He didn't respond, she thought. She gently rubbed her back to comfort her for a few minutes. Then, slowly and carefully, as not to wake her, Sally got up from the couch where they sat to go make dinner for the two of them and Paul. As she was walking to the kitchen, she heard Annabeth mumbling nonsense. Then, her eyes widened as she heard the words that she's been waiting for Percy and Annabeth to share for years now.

"Mm... I love you." Moments later she smiled in her now peaceful slumber.

And that's how Sally knew everything would be okay.

Okay so I randomly got this idea and I thought it would be super cute so I hope you all enjoyed!

Have a great day/afternoon/night! ❤️

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