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Jett grabbed my head, crashing her lips onto mine.

-"You're my favourite, always."

I kissed her back. But then I ran.

Ran as fast as I could to the HQ, with my face blushing as hard as it could.

She caught up in no time. Well she's the almighty wind girl, of course she will.

But then she picked me up and ran into the HQ.

People were staring at us, giggling and making jealous faces.

Looks like this girl do have some secret admirers..

She then grabbed me by the thigh, then bought me to the lift.

Phoenix was in there, again. Holy fuck, I'd be embarrassed if he found out what happened between us.

-"Yo guys, you guys be looking fruity.." he said hesitantly, worrying that he will offend us.

-"that's the spirit man! The exact purpose I lifted this hottie up!" She said in her usual British accent.

What the fuck did she just said?

'hottie' this word stayed running in my mind for few days.

She chuckled and looked into my eyes. I looked back, still blushing.

After arriving to Brimstone's office, she placed me down, switching into a serious attitude, clearing her throat.

-"Brim, for what purpose did you call us?"

-"Good news."

Me and Jett looked at each other, confused.

-"Take a seat."

He pulled the chair out for us to sit. He took a sip of hot coffee, then smiled warmly.

-"We found out something about the video."

Me and Jett stared at each other again, making eye contact.

-"What is it..?" Jett questioned hesitantly.

-"Mirror Earth"

-"What is that? Another Earth?"

The leader nodded surprisingly as he showed pictures of the Earth we live in then the exact same earth in front of it.

We were frightened.

-"So like we have clones? Is everything there the same?"

He nodded again.

-"Umm so like the Jett in the video isn't ours?"

He nodded again.

-"That changed pretty quick." Jett said, shocked about the Kingdom's investigation skills.

-"We also noticed difference between the Jett in the video and our Jett. The outfit, voice, actions and more."

-"I noticed that earlier when I first saw the video too. But I wasn't sure."

-"Looks like your observation skills are....pretty good!"

I giggled. He looks at me, proud.

We were so relieved. We soon left the office, telling everyone about it.

So that they don't hate her anymore.


-"The house is a huge mess.." Jett sighed, sitting on the couch full of food crumbs.

-"Lets clean it up together, then." I cooed, smiling at her.

She starts cleaning up instantly. I did the same, wiping the dirty surfaces. It was tiring, but I would trade anything to do everything with her.

I took out the carpet on our wooden floor, putting it under the sun.

We then made food together after tidying up the living room.

We had pizza, Jett's favourite food.

-"This is dope!" She said, munching cutely.

I already have no idea how many times I called her cute.

After filling our hungry stomachs up, we continued by cleaning the kitchen.

Sunwoo was refilling groceries into the fridge while I was washing the dishes. I yawned and wiped my sweat off with my dirty hands.

She hugged me from the back, making me jump out of shock.

-"Sorry.." She giggled softly.

I turned around and kissed her. She turned her head, flushed.


I continued with the washing. She helped me with it.

The kitchen was clean and neat. My exhausted self fell asleep on her. Her body was so warm, I can't help but to lay on her, and rest.


I felt Company.

I opened my eyes, looking at the wind girl.

She was just looking at me. She then turned her head, avoiding eye contact.

-"Are you okay?" I questioned, sitting up.

-"Nothing..." She said, getting out of the room.


I lazily went back to bed. The house was still a mess but I didn't care.

But then she pulled me out of my room.

-"5 more minutessss!" I said, trying to get back onto my bed.

-"No more cuddles for you if you don't clean the bathroom."

I got to work.

The bathroom smelled like rotten pork. After cleaning it, it smelt fine. I'm glad I got up to tidy this dirty and nasty place.

-"Wow, that's a huge difference!" Jett giggled, looking at my 'masterpiece'.

-"Well did you clean your room, miss?"

She nodded and lead me to her room. I gasped over her new and fresh designed room. Her kunai collection was still there but Everything was different, and beautiful.

-"Damn, never knew you're good at interior design."

Jett chuckled and pulled me into her arms. I wrapped my arms around her, falling asleep again.


800 words

・Youth love 💙 // VALORANT // Jett x FemReader // Fluff ・Where stories live. Discover now