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Amira looks at me while leaning against the doorframe. 'Are you ready?' She asks urgently for the umpteenth time. I awkwardly put a tie around my neck. She clicks her tongue and walks over to me. She begins to straighten up the garment. 'You can't do anything yourself can you?' she mutters. When she is done she smoothens the fabric. Satisfied, she looks at her work. Father starts calling us from the staircase. She grabs my arm and drags me out of my room.

'Are you guys finally done?' He grumbles when we arrive downstairs. Our mother walks out of the kitchen with a box in her hands. She looks at us and nods in satisfaction. 'Time to go.' She says smiling and walks out the door before everyone else. I take one last quick look in the mirror that's in our hallway. I shrug at the sight, looks okay.

I get in the car with my family. My mom starts up a whole lecture about how we should behave at the meeting. I wander off a bit because I don't really care that much. She says the same thing every time. 'And especially you Ash.' My name gets my attention back. 'Show yourself from your best side, okay?'

Or in other words, make sure you won't be the embarrassment of the family this evening, I think to myself. I sigh deeply and stare out the window. Tonight is the meeting of our wolf pack, Moonshine. My father is one of our fighters so we get dragged to a meeting every two months. I always try to avoid it, but this time my mother insisted that I attend. The only reason is because today our Alpha will be attending. He's so busy that he usually can't even attend his own meetings.

After a long drive, we arrive at the building. It's designed for special occasions. Quite over the top in my opinion, but okay. The structure is large with light-colored bricks and colossal windows. There is a graveled parking lot so all guests can park their cars there. We park our car in the shade because the sun is shining brightly today. Shade is not hard to find in the woods where we live, so we quickly find a spot.

Reluctantly, I get out of the car and walk with my family to the entrance. The giant oak doors are wide open. As a sign of welcome, but that image quickly fades when you see all the security. Our passes are checked by security before we step inside.

Inside, it's very spacious. The floor is paved with cream-colored tiles, The same color as the walls. A large room is provided for the meeting, but later in the afternoon we will move to a dining room.

My parents immediately start talking to everyone they meet. I stand uncomfortably past them twiddling my fingers for the first twenty minutes. Amira, my sister, has also long since disappeared into the crowd. We're offered some drinks. I carefully take a glass of water and both my parents hold a glass of champagne.

My mother looks my way with a fake smile and puts an arm around my back. She turns to me stiffly. 'Why don't you go talk to some people?' A brief silence falls between us. Then I say, 'I don't know anyone here.' She smiles a little wider and I'm afraid her mouth will tear open . 'Then go meet some people.' Then she pushes me away from her. She turns back to Dad's friends and laughs along with their silly jokes.

I hand my empty glass to a servant. Then I begin to walk aimlessly around the room with my gaze fixed on the floor. Everyone is scattered in groups; I find it hard to push myself between them. What is my mother thinking?

Suddenly I bump into something. I almost fall backwards, but my arm is quickly grabbed to prevent that. I look up with an apologetic look at the person I just collided with. I look straight into two pairs of striking green eyes. Two dark eyebrows are pointed downward, looking at me with concern. 'You okay?' Says a deep voice. My heart races like crazy when I realize who's standing in front of me.

It's the alpha.

the alpha's mate [English version]Where stories live. Discover now