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With a book on my lap, I sit in the grass along the small lake. The soothing sounds of the garden suppress the nerves. I couldn't eat a thing this morning or this afternoon. The servants have given me a few crackers, but they lie next to me untouched.

I had called Amira to share my worries and nerves. She tried to reassure me, but without success. She had also told me about the weekend trip she has arranged with some girlfriends. She is very much looking forward to it and I am happy for her. She deserves some rest from all the craziness. After that, we had said goodbye.

There is no one in the garden. Only the birds in the trees and the fish in the lake. Every now and then I discover a squirrel. I wonder if Zelos has no pets. At least it would make days like this less lonely. He's gone all day. I turn over a page in my book, but the words no longer come in. My mind keeps wandering to last night. It was great, I didn't expect to have so much fun with the alpha. In an hour Zelos will be back from work and then I will meet his parents. I already almost throw up at the idea.

I remember the previous alpha well. He was very strict. The rules have been relaxed heavily since Zelos was on top. There are gossips going around that his father is very disappointed. Our previous Luna never had much power up to her. I don't even remember her face. Zelos's father was very protective of her. She wasn't even allowed out of the house most of the time. I hope Zelos will not be like that.

When it is five o'clock I am already sitting in our room waiting for Zelos. The minutes crawl by. When it's ten minutes later I'm afraid he'll never come. After two more long minutes, the door flies open. He comes running in panting. 'Sorry, the meeting ran late.' I stand up in relief. My hands are shaking with nerves. I give him an uncomfortable smile.

He notices immediately and asks if I'm okay. I nod. He frowns his eyebrows. 'I heard you didn't eat anything today.' His gaze slides over me. I shift nervously from one leg to the other. 'I was nauseous.' I explain.

Zelos walks into the walk-in closet. I follow him with an uncertain gait. 'Are you going to be able to eat now?' his voice sounds odd. I'm not quite sure what to make of his tone. 'I think so.' He begins to search through his clothes. 'I had a costume made for you.' All my sense of purpose for this dinner party is already sinking in. I hate costumes, they're so boring. To my surprise, he pulls a light blue set from the rack. 'I thought this color would look nice on you.' He holds it in front of my body and nods approvingly. 'Go try it on. I'll change in here.' I take the clothes from him. The fabric is silky soft.

In the bathroom I change my clothes. The suit fits me like a glove. I look at myself in the mirror for a few minutes. I like the image. I had never really thought of myself that way before. I walk back into the room. Zelos is standing by the door. He is wearing a red suit. My mouth almost falls open at the sight. I have to make an effort not to drool. He is very sexy.

'Are you ready?' He gently extends his arm to me. I hesitate for a moment, but then put my arm through his. It feels a little uncomfortable. We walk this way together to the dining room. A servant is waiting for us. She smooths out her dress and walks towards us. Her face is fire-red, a few drops of sweat swirl down her forehead. 'Your parents are already here, sir.'

Zelos slowly lets go of me and puts his hand on my back. A jolt goes through my body from the gesture. I feel slight butterflies rising in my stomach. He gently pushes me forward. In the dining room, Zelos's parents are sitting. They are both sitting perpendicular to their chairs. His mother has her gaze fixed on the table top. His father stares at us with two dark eyes.

Zelos stops at the head of the table. I expect his parents to get up, but they remain stubbornly seated. I hear Zelos sigh deeply past me. He points to a chair for me. I sit down stiffly opposite his mother. She looks up in surprise from the sound. 'Hello.' She gives me a warm smile. Our old Luna is very beautiful. Her face has soft contours, her lips are pinkish, and she has long brown hair. I still can't remember if I've ever seen her face. Then I notice her eyes. They are so pale, they are almost white. She is blind.

I politely greet her back. Zelos takes a seat alongside me. He looks gulpingly at his father who does not answer his gaze. Instead, he sits and stares at me. I look back at him, thinking he will say something. Zelos is very much like his father. When his father says nothing I avert my gaze.

The appetizer is served by the servants. It is pumpkin soup. I wait for the rest to start eating. Zelos's mother looks for her spoon and puts a bite in her mouth. She makes a satisfied sound. 'This is delicious.' She takes another bite. I also begin to eat as does Zelos. Only his father leaves the soup untouched.

'What is this.' He utters. The alpha immediately looks into his parent's eyes. 'What do you mean?' He asks. 'Is this your mate?' Dusan, his father, raises his voice slightly. I choke on my soup. Coughing, I take a sip of water.

Zelos's nervous demeanor changes. His whole body seems to tense up. He looks at his father defiantly. 'Do you have a problem with that?' He clearly saw this coming. The old Luna, Viatrix, turns her gaze to her husband. 'It's a boy!' Shouts he. There is immense tension between the two. 'And?' Zelos clenches his teeth. I can almost hear them grinding. Dusan sighs heavily. 'I expected you not to disappoint me in this.' He then says. Viatrix decides to intervene. She smiles uncomfortably, 'We're only at the appetizer, please.' Then everyone eats their soup in silence.

After the appetizer, the plates are collected and the main course is served. A special vegetarian option has been prepared for me. Dusan noticed it immediately. He gives my plate a disapproving look. Viatrix appears to smell her husband's disapproval. 'What's your name, dear?' She asks, breaking the painful silence. 'My name is Ash, ma'am.'

Dusan lets out a bitter laugh. 'Is your father Reagan?' I nod bemusedly. How can he recognize my name so easily? 'I've heard a lot about you from your father. What a shame you were born with no sense of smell. It does suit you perfectly doesn't it? To be the mate of my son. With that you may yet achieve something in your life.' I stop in my actions. It's as if a knife is going through me. It's not the first time I've heard this, but to hear it from the old alpha?

Viatrix hits a startled cry. 'Dusan! How can you say such a thing?' She looks at him angrily. 'Have you sometimes forgotten that I am blind?' She snorts indignantly at her husband. Dusan looks back at her for a moment, startled. She gets up and walks out of the room. Zelos looks at his father furiously. Another moment and steam is coming out of his ears. 'You can go now father.' As his father protests Zelos begins to shout for him to go. Dusan immediately starts yelling back. They both stand up and for a moment I am afraid they will go at each other.

'You are a disappointment, Zelos. I expected much better from you.' Then he turns and leaves as if nothing ever happened. 'Mother is staying here tonight.' Yells his son after him. Olivier comes running into the room startled. 'What happened!' Zelos shakes his head and runs past him.

What a nice dinner.

the alpha's mate [English version]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang